Debate war as it is, not as you want it to be
War is ugly. It sounds like a cliché at this point, and most of us never really have to think about how truly horrifying it is. This week, however, we got some disturbing glimpses into the [...]
The Wikileaks video is normal, and that’s the problem « Groundswell Blog, from Peace Action West[...] is normal, and that’s the proble...
Wikileaks: The CIA propogandist’s greatest friend is apathy – Rethink Afghanistan War Blog[...] its April 5 release of the video that...
The CIA’s greatest friend: Apathy « Groundswell Blog, from Peace Action West[...] 9, 2010 tags: Afghanistan, CIA, propo...
Rebecca GriffinYes, I remember, we went out for pizza! Thank...