Peace Action is a national, grassroots organization committed to organizing a powerful peace movement.
Peace Action advocates for a foreign policy that embodies our best values. By mobilizing diverse constituencies through grassroots action, we work to:
Achieve a world free of nuclear weapons in the future while stopping the development, testing, spread and use of those weapons today;
Promote resolution of international conflicts through cooperation and diplomacy;
Advance national spending priorities that meet the nation’s real security and domestic needs;
Protect human rights around the world by controlling the global trade in lethal weapons;
Ensure no one is denied the opportunity to participate in making decisions that affect the common good.
Peace Action is the nation’s largest grassroots peace network with chapters and affiliates in states across the country. We organize our network to place pressure on Congress and the administration through write-in campaigns, internet actions, grassroots lobbying and direct action. Through a close relationship with progressive members of Congress, we play a key role in devising strategies to move forward peace legislation. As a leading member of various coalitions, we lend our expertise and large network to achieving common goals.
For over 60 years, Peace Action has worked for an environment where all are free from violence and war. We understand that long-standing global conflicts require long-term solutions and that U.S. foreign policy has a lasting effect on the world. We are working to promote a new U.S. foreign policy that is based on peaceful support for human rights and democracy, eliminating the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and cooperation with the world community. We organize against pre-emptive wars, and advocate for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and contractors from the endless wars across the Middle East.
There are still nearly 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world today. The U.S. and Russia have thousands of nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert ready to launch in minutes. While the Cold War may have ended, the nuclear threat has not. The only way to ensure that nuclear weapons will never again be used – whether purposefully, or accidentally – is global abolition.
The U.S. must lead the way to a safer world by working towards the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, and taking steps to reduce the threat of nuclear war in the meantime. Important steps include taking our weapons off hair trigger alert, halting our research and development of new nuclear weapons, and protecting treaties in place to prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons. We must also pursue diplomacy with countries like Russia, China, and North Korea, to reduce rather than expand the world’s current nuclear arsenals. While we can and must work with other countries to reduce the threat to the world posed by nuclear weapons, we can also take unilateral steps to reduce the threat by halting the planned expansion of the U.S. nuclear arsenal and unilaterally reducing the U.S. stockpile.
As the Pentagon’s budget soars to over half a trillion dollars annually, over 20% of the nation’s children live in poverty. Basic infrastructure is crumbling, schools are using outdated textbooks, and millions are still without basic health insurance. We have choices. According to the National Priorities Project, with a 10 percent reduction in the base Pentagon budget, we could put 1,590,000 million students through 4 years of college, or provide 22,290,000 children with healthcare for a year, or provide 36,770,000 households with solar electricity for a year. We believe that current government spending does not reflect people’s real needs, and we’re working to cut the bloated Pentagon budget accordingly.