Nuclear-free world within reach?
Back in 2005 when we were campaigning vigorously to defeat Bush’s nuclear bunker-buster, a weapon designed for battlefield use, it was difficult to imagine that a US policy that worked toward nuclear disarmament was in reach. While the Bush administration’s policy has not shifted dramatically, we have achieved victories in cutting funding for the bunker buster, and the Reliable Replacement Warhead program has very little congressional support. We must use these victories as springboards to take advantage of promising developments in 2007, as well as a critical presidential election in 2008.
The notion of a nuclear-free world received a surprising boost earlier this year when a group including Henry Kissinger and George Shultz published an OpEd calling on the US to lead the way toward abolition of nuclear weapons. As our bloggers have reported on Voters for Peace and Security, John Edwards, Barack Obama and Bill Richardson have been campaigning on the vision of a nuclear-free world. We have made tremendous progress, and we will continue to work to keep the momentum going into the new administration.
This year also offers an unprecedented opportunity for Congress to take leadership on this issue. Senators Barack Obama (D-IL) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE) have written a bill that offers a comprehensive plan to work toward nuclear disarmament, including upholding commitments to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Click here to write your senators and urge them to cosponsor this important legislation.