Nuclear campaign update: more than 100,000 public comments on Complex Transformation
Thanks to your hard work, the public sent in more than 100,000 comments on Complex Transformation, Bush’s plan to revamp our nuclear weapons facilities to allow for the production of a new generation of nuclear weapons like the Reliable Replacement Warhead. We asked you to attend local hearings and help us hit an ambitious comment goal to demonstrate widespread opposition to nuclear weapons. You delivered.
Because of your efforts, the Department of Energy received more than 3 times the 33,000 comments they received during their initial scoping period in 2006. After initially refusing, the DOE caved to public pressure and extended the comment period until the end of April.
Thank you again for your work opposing Complex Transformation. I’ll keep you posted on our work to create a world free of nuclear weapons. Key committees in Congress are now looking at funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead. You can continue to help our campaign move forward by sending an email to your representative about the funding.
(above) Livermore hearing attendees hold up signs saying "yes" to nuclear disarmament.