No Nukes! President Obama Keep Your Promise!

 In Nuclear Weapons, Obama

We want a nuke free world Picture Petition 014

It was President Obama who created the expectation that our country would lead a global effort to rid the world of nuclear weapons.  In his Prague speech in April, 20009 he committed the U.S. to this goal: “I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.”

Instead, the President has committed to completely rebuilding all three legs of the U.S. nuclear triad – strategic bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and nuclear-armed submarines (SLBMs) and calls for spending $350 billion over the next decade and up to $1 trillion over the next 30 years.  Military experts agree that we cannot afford these costs and we can be just as secure, and probably more so, with far fewer nuclear weapons.

Sign Peace Action’s petition to President Obama.  Together, let’s hold him to his promise to lead the world to a future without nuclear weapons.

With just 18 months left in his presidency, there are concrete steps he can take immediately to show our nation is prepared to lead the world to that goal.  Some of them, like stating the US will not be the first nation to use nuclear weapons in war, taking our nuclear arsenal off ‘launch on warning’ status and initiating negotiations for a nuclear weapons convention to eliminate all nukes worldwide, as Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) requires, don’t require Congressional approval.

Sign our petition to President Obama.  As we approach the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki we are reminded today’s nuclear weapons pack much greater destructive power and their use would be a catastrophe unlike any the world has ever seen.

Peace Action chapters are already planning 70th anniversary Hiroshima and Nagasaki commorations.  They will be reaching out to their local communities using earned media to educate the public on the danger that is still very much with us and what we need to do to abolish these doomsday weapons once and for all.

Each year, Peace Action sends a delegation to Japan to participate in observances there.  We will continue to work with our international partners to insure a strong presence at the United Nations as the UN works to repair the damage done at the NPT review when the United States blocked consensus on a final statement. 

Please sign our petition and then forward it to your family and friends..  Ask them to join in this effort to press President Obama to use the final 18 months of his presidency fulfill his promise “to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” Now that would be a legacy he could be proud of.

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