For Immediate Release

Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action, 951-217-7285 cell,
Kevin Martin, Peace Action, 301-537-8244 cell,

Peace Action:  Biden-Harris End Support for Yemen War; NGOs Demand End to All Arms Sales and Increased Humanitarian Aid

Washington, D.C. — February 4, 2020 — Ahead of the Biden-Harris announcement to end U.S. support for the Saudi/UAE-led war on Yemen, Paul Kawika Martin, Senior Director for Policy and Political Affairs at Peace Action, released the following statement:

“It’s about time that the U.S. end all complicity in the Saudi/UAE-led war on Yemen with at least 100,000 dead and tens of millions on the brink of starvation.  We welcome the Biden-Harris administration’s announcement today but want to make sure the details include stopping all support and blocking all arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

“Millions of activists around the world, including Peace Action supporters and affiliates, pushed for countries to stop aiding this horrific war.  Led by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and others, Congress historically passed war powers legislation to halt U.S. complicity and to thwart arms sales only for Trump to callously veto the measures.  Cancelling the sale of precision-guided weapons is particularly needed because Saudi Arabia used them to target civilians.

“The announced U.S. Special Envoy to Yemen can push Saudi Arabia and the UAE to change its conduct and negotiate in good faith to end their war on Yemen and allow humanitarian aid to flow.”


Founded in 1957, Peace Action (formerly SANE/Freeze), the United States’ largest peace and disarmament organization, with over 100,000 paid members and nearly 100 chapters in 36 states, works to abolish nuclear weapons, promote government spending priorities that support human needs, encourage real security through international cooperation and human rights and support nonmilitary solutions to international conflicts. The public may learn more and take action at

Note to Editors:

Trump vetoed S.J.Res. 7 that directed the president to withdraw support for the war in Yemen.

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