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Peace Action’s 2024 Class
Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-Senate)
During his time in the House, Representative Ruben Gallego was a reliable vote on our Yemen campaign and good for diplomacy with Iran. He’s voted with us on a number of amendments on nuclear weapons issues including extending NEW START, cutting funding for low yield nukes, and cutting funding for mid-range nuclear missiles. He’s also led on progressive foreign policy issues including, as an Iraq war veteran, an effort to stop the escalation of U.S. military presence in Iraq under the Obama administration.
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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL-Senate)
During her past term in Congress, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell voted against the war on Yemen and to prevent the President from starting a war with Iran. She recognizes diplomacy will get us on the path to peace and plans to continue pushing for a more sane U.S foreign policy.
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Jon Tester (D-MT-Senate)
Senator Jon Tester has stood against endless wars and for diplomacy on numerous occasions. When running in 2006, his platform heavily featured bringing the troops home. As soon as he was elected, he started pushing for a firm timeline for withdrawal from Iraq. He supported the Iran deal and voted to prevent Trump from going to war with Iran after the attack on Gen. Soleimani. He has also voted to end US support of the Saudi bombing of Yemen and block arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
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Dan Osborn (I-NE-Senate)
Born and raised in Omaha, Dan Osborn is a “Navy Man, Mechanic, [and] Independent.” After leaving the military, he began work at Kellogg’s, eventually becoming president of his union and leading the members in a successful 11-week strike. He is now running a campaign focused on the working class against a Senator who has always worked to benefit the corporations. In the military, Dan saw lots of Pentagon waste firsthand. In his own words:
“Sometimes it seems the military overpays for everything — except soldiers. From forty-dollar hammers that cost ten bucks at the hardware store, to $10,000 switches that cost a couple of hundred dollars to manufacture, price gouging is draining our military of the resources to defend this country.”
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Sherrod Brown (D-OH-Senate)
Senator Sherrod Brown has been a dependable voice on our issues. He espouses a progressive, diplomacy-first approach to American foreign policy that we can work with. He has voted against US involvement in Yemen, voted against the Iraq War, supported the Obama-era Iran deal, and critiqued Trump’s withdrawal from President Obama’s Iran deal (which verifiably blocked Iran’s path to nuclear weapons.)
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Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA-Senate)
When it comes to ending the tragic war in Yemen, Senator Bob Casey has been with us, voting to stop US support for the war as well as to prevent US arms sales to the Saudis. He understands the importance of nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Earlier this year, he also voted in favor of repealing the 2002 Iraq AUMF, saying, “For too long, Congress has ceded to the executive branch its constitutionally proscribed role in authorizing military force and declaring war. For years I have argued that Congress must re-assert itself into debates about how and when our country sends our young men and women into harm’s way.”
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Colin Allred (D-TX-Senate)
When it comes to ending or preventing wars, Colin Allred has been an ally. He has voted to repeal the AUMFs; prevent new AUMFs against Iran; fund civilian harm mitigation measures; prevent State Department cuts; and stop US weapons sales to and support for the Saudis, which facilitated their assault on Yemen. He also voted alongside us on an amendment by Pramila Jayapal to report on the US confiscation of Afghanistan’s central bank assets and how that impacted their humanitarian crisis. In Colin’s own words:
“We must spend our defense dollars wisely, and I disagree with [a] budget that puts defense spending way out of balance as compared to our domestic needs, like health care. I support budget proposals that are balanced and ensure that domestic spending on priorities like transportation and health care matches defense spending.”
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Tammy Baldwin (D-WI-Senate)
Senator Tammy Baldwin has supported a host of our issues. She has repeatedly joined with Senator Bernie Sanders to make large cuts to the Pentagon budget, including the most recent push for a 10% cut. She also voted in 2021 against a bipartisan effort to increase the Pentagon budget further over the President’s request. She has defied the arms industry by voting multiple times to block weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and has pushed for an end to the war in Yemen. Sen. Baldwin voted to curtail military weapons transfers to police departments, too.
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Kristen McDonald Rivet (D-MI-08)
Kristen McDonald-Rivet has called for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the return of the hostages alongside that process. She has also said, “We should also be using our position as a longtime friend and ally to try to ensure that we have humanitarian relief, that we have medical aid and that the focus of the war is on Hamas and not the Palestinian people.”
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Marcy Kaptur (D-OH-9)
The longest-serving woman in Congress, Marcy Kaptur has voted to overturn the outdated AUMFs, to make cuts to the bloated Pentagon budget, and to limit spending on numerous nuclear upgrade programs. She believes that we must move beyond the days of endless wars and toward a future of diplomatic relations. “The pathway to peace can be paved by grass-roots diplomacy in addition to governmental compromise.”
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Susan Wild (D-PA-7)
While in Congress, Rep. Susan Wild has voted against wasteful military and nuclear projects and to repeal the outdated authorizations for use of military force (AUMFs). She has also voted to end US support of the Saudi bombing of Yemen and block arms sales to Saudi Arabia. In regards to the Gaza war, she has vowed to “push for robust U.S. diplomatic engagement aimed at ending the bloodshed and building a future of rights, dignity, security, and peace for all in the region” and has been urging the Biden administration to “use all tools at its disposal to secure an agreement that leads to an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”
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Michelle Vallejo (D-TX-15)
“We have to lead by example and use our bargaining power to encourage countries to improve labor, environmental, and human rights across the world. Combating climate change is very much dependent on changing our foreign policy to stop the disproportionate emission contributions from our military and trade deals. And most importantly, enough with sending our young people to the frontlines fighting wars for defense contractors and big donors.”
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