The Folly of Attacking Iran Tour
This election year will help determine the next four years of US foreign policy, so it is critical that the subject of diplomacy with Iran remains at the forefront of the national dialogue. To help keep the discussion going, Just Foreign Policy is sponsoring “The Folly of Attacking Iran” tour, featuring Stephen Kinzer and a variety of other speakers.
Stephen Kinzer is the author of “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq,” and “All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror,” chronicling the US government’s overthrow of the Iranian government in 1953. He also spent more than 20 years as a foreign correspondent for the New York Times.
As he travels around the country, Kinzer will be joined by a number of different speakers. While working to educate, the tour more importantly aims to motivate people to take action.
Click here to see if the tour will be coming to your area.
Peace Action West is cosponsoring the stop in San Francisco on February 11, so keep an eye out for us there and be sure to take action before you leave!