Take action with Million Doors for Peace
Peace Action West is joining with organizations around the country such as True Majority, MoveOn.org, and United for Peace and Justice to promote Saturday, September 20th as a national day of action to end the war in Iraq.
The goal of the campaign is to have 25,000 volunteers all around the country talk to one million of their neighbors and have them sign a petition urging Congress to withdraw US troops from Iraq within one year. The campaign will target new and infrequent voters, so we are laying the groundwork for important get out the vote efforts in the November election. We’re also getting the message out there that Iraq is still an important issue for voters and we expect Congress to take strong action in 2009.
Click here to sign up to volunteer.
Taking action on the 20th is easy, and you can do it alone or with friends, or find a group in your area. When you sign up through the web page, you will be given materials and a list of voters to contact in your area.
This is a great way to reach out to voters who may not have already been active in the antiwar movement and encourage them to send a strong message to our representatives in DC.
Click here to read more about the campaign.
You can also find out more by watching this video: