President Elect Barack Obama
Obama Makes History
Obama Succeeded in Redrawing Electoral Map
By Robert Barnes and Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, November 5, 2008; 10:55 AM
Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois was elected the nation’s 44th president yesterday, riding a reformist message of change and an inspirational exhortation of hope to become the first African American to ascend to the White House.
Obama, 47, the son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, led a tide of Democratic victories across the nation in defeating Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a 26-year veteran of Washington who could not overcome his connections to President Bush’s increasingly unpopular administration.
Standing before a crowd of more than 125,000 people who had waited for hours at Chicago’s Grant Park, Obama acknowledged the accomplishment and the dreams of his supporters.
“If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer,” he said just before midnight Eastern time.
“The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you: We as a people will get there.” After the speech he was joined on stage by vice president-elect Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (Del.) and both their families.
The historic Election Day brought millions of new and sometimes tearful voters, long lines at polling places nationwide, and celebrations on street corners and in front of the White House. It ushered in a new era of Democratic dominance in Congress, even though the party appeared unlikely to meet its goal of capturing the 60 Senate votes needed for a filibuster-proof majority. In the House, Democrats made major gains, adding to their already sizable advantage and returning them to a position of power that predates the 1994 Republican revolution.
Democrats will use their new legislative muscle to advance an economic and foreign policy agenda that Bush has largely blocked for eight years. Even when the party seized control of Congress two years ago, its razor-thin margin in the Senate had allowed Republicans to hinder its efforts.
McCain congratulated Obama in a phone call shortly after 11 p.m. and then delivered a gracious concession speech before his supporters in Phoenix. “We have had and argued our differences,” he said of his rival, “and he has prevailed.”
“This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African Americans and the special pride that must be theirs tonight,” McCain said.
Obama became the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter in 1976 to receive more than 50 percent of the popular vote, and he made good on his pledge to transform the electoral map.
He overpowered McCain in Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania — four states that the campaign had spent months courting as the keys to victory. He passed the needed 270 electoral votes just after 11 p.m., with victories in California and Washington state.
The Democrat easily won most of the Northeast, the Rust Belt, the West Coast and mid-Atlantic states that normally back Democrats. By midnight, he appeared to be running strong in North Carolina, Indiana, Missouri and Montana, each of which was too close to call. Obama ultimately won in Indiana, bringing his electoral college total to 349, while McCain won Montana, bringing his total to 163 electoral college votes. The outcome in North Carolina and Missouri remained uncertain.
Obama melded the pride and aspirations of African Americans with a coalition of younger and disaffected voters drawn to his rhetorical style, and a unified base of Democrats worried about the economy and frustrated with the war in Iraq.
He is the fifth-youngest man elected to a first presidential term, after Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Ulysses S. Grant. He is the 16th senator to ascend to the office, and the first since Kennedy’s election in 1960.
Bush called Obama at 11:12 p.m. to offer his congratulations, the White House said.
“Mr. President-elect, congratulations to you,” Bush said, according to the White House. “What an awesome night for you, your family and your supporters. Laura and I called to congratulate you and your good bride.”
He added: “I promise to make this a smooth transition. You are about to go on one of the great journeys of life. Congratulations, and go enjoy yourself.”
The election was in many respects a referendum on the two-term president, whose popularity has plunged to the lowest levels since the 1930s, because of his administration’s handling of the economy, Hurricane Katrina, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush has not been seen with McCain since May, and the president has made no public appearances since late last week.
McCain’s top strategist acknowledged the team’s difficulties as the candidate returned to Arizona from his final campaign stop in New Mexico.
“I think we did our absolute best in this campaign in really difficult circumstances. We had a — we had some tough cards to play all the way through and we hung in there all the way,” senior adviser Steve Schmidt told reporters.
He added: “I don’t think there’s another Republican the party could have nominated that could have made this a competitive race the way that John McCain did. . . . The president’s approval numbers, you know, were not helpful in the race but the party as a whole is unpopular with the American people, and that was a big albatross.”
During a sometimes chaotic race, McCain promised voters that he would reform a broken and corrupted Washington and bring change that he said the American people demand. But his economic and national security proposals largely echoed Bush’s policies, a charge that Obama made repeatedly.
Republicans watched yesterday as the electoral map turned blue in places where they have labored for a decade to cultivate a permanent, conservative voter base that would ensure presidential victories.
The party — now clearly a minority one — is left wondering whether the Democratic rout is the result of a coincidental marriage of a powerful personality and a terrible political and economic environment or if it signals a deeper change in voter patterns and beliefs that will make it difficult for them to recapture the White House for years.
“This election, particularly when combined with the ’06 election, means the GOP is in serious trouble,” said Peter Wehner, a former Bush White House aide. “To deny that would be to deny reality.”
Wehner said the party can take some comfort in “the fact that I suspect the data will show that America remains, on the issues, a center-right nation. . . . It means the core political philosophy that defines the GOP is not out of sync with the country.”
In a sign that Obama’s race did not hold him back, he won as large a share of the white vote as any Democrat in the past two decades, although he still fell short of a majority. Preliminary exit polls showed him winning among 43 percent of white voters, while Sen. John F. Kerry won 41 percent in 2004 and Vice President Al Gore won 42 percent in 2000.
McCain styled himself as a maverick but ran a largely traditional Republican campaign that eroded his brand among independents, the majority of whom voted for Obama yesterday. Obama won 60 percent of self-described moderates, who had once formed the core of McCain’s support.
Obama appeared to have made huge gains among Hispanic voters, earning about two-thirds of their support, according to exit polls. He also captured 95 percent of black voters. Obama also won a majority of women and took the support of 49 percent of men.
McCain appeared to have performed more poorly than his GOP predecessors, especially among young people. He earned about 30 percent of voters aged 18 to 29; in 2004, Bush captured 45 percent of that group.
The Obamas, with their two daughters in tow, voted yesterday morning at Beulah Shoesmith Elementary School, in their Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. (Controversial former radical William Ayers, whose relationship with Obama became a staple of McCain-Palin speeches, voted earlier at the same precinct, but ignored reporters’ questions about his ballot.)
Daughter Malia, 10, was by Michelle Obama’s side when she cast her ballot, while Sasha, 7, watched her father vote.
“The journey ends, but voting with my daughters, that was a big deal,” Obama said later. “I noticed that Michelle took a long time, though. I had to check to see who she was voting for.”
The simple act of voting was a prosaic close to the longest and most expensive presidential election in U.S. history, one that fundamentally changed national politics in communication strategy and voter outreach.
Obama’s unilateral decision to forgo public financing for his campaign may signal the end of that Watergate-era reform, as McCain found himself massively outspent.
By mid-October, Obama had reported raising nearly $600 million, including a record-shattering $150 million in September. Combined with money the Democratic National Committee spent during the general election, he spent nearly $745 million on his primary and general-election campaigns.
The combined spending figure for McCain and the Republican Party was nearly $450 million by mid-October.
The general-election campaign began with simple themes: Obama said McCain’s candidacy represented nothing more than a continuation of the Bush administration, while McCain portrayed Obama as too inexperienced to lead a country involved in two wars and under the threat of terrorism.
McCain offered his years of experience and his maverick record of often bucking the leadership of his party as evidence of the kind of president he would be, and characterized Obama as a man of eloquent speeches but empty rhetoric.
McCain criticized Obama’s summer tours of Afghanistan and Iraq as too little too late, and he mocked the lavish reception the Democrat received in the Middle East and Europe. McCain even ran an ad of a rally Obama held before 200,000 people in Berlin, with an announcer saying: “He’s the biggest celebrity in the world.”
Obama shored up his perceived weaknesses with Biden, a longtime senator fluent in foreign affairs and national policy but prone to gaffes. But the decision was well-received, and Obama enjoyed a harmonious Democratic National Convention, where he was praised by his former rival for the nomination, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.).
He ended the convention with an acceptance speech before 75,000 at a football stadium in Denver, something no nominee had attempted since Kennedy in 1960.
Just a day later, McCain stepped on the Democrats’ celebration with his selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whom he described as a fellow outsider who would “shake up Washington.” From the moment she was introduced, Palin made an appeal to women, but her chief asset seemed to be reenergizing the conservative GOP base of the party that for years had been skeptical of McCain.
The weeks after the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., were the only ones in the long history of the campaign in which the party had enjoyed an advantage. But that ended as the nation’s economy worsened.
When the financial meltdown on Wall Street began in mid-September, McCain’s advisers winced as their candidate told an audience in Jacksonville, Fla., that the “fundamentals of the economy are sound.” Just hours later in Orlando, the candidate declared the economy in “crisis.”
Such trepidation did not serve McCain well — at one point, as Congress dealt with a $700 billion rescue plan for Wall Street, he suspended his campaign to fly back to Washington — and Obama seemed to find traction with voters by declaring his rival’s actions “erratic.”
Obama emerged as the Democratic nominee from the crucible of the longest-ever nomination fight.
But Obama stunned Sen. Clinton, and the nation, by repeatedly demolishing assumptions about his ability to raise money, his organizational strength and his ability to appeal to white voters. Those three factors came together in Iowa, as he won a convincing victory in the state’s Democratic caucuses.
His one-time rival worked hard for his election and Clinton said last night: “We are celebrating an historic victory for the American people. This was a long and hard-fought campaign, but the result was well worth the wait.”
Staff writers Michael Abramowitz and Juliet Eilperin contributed to this report.
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I think we have much to learn from Barak Obama. I too was one of the supporters that wanted him to be more forceful and to strike back at those who were striking him. His wisdom in ignoring this advice has now been made clear. Ghandi once said that we are the change that we seek in the world. The change I want is peace and Barak showed that his acts were not cowardly but rather rational. He prevailed because he kept his cool. After eight years of wild and angry men, this country is ready to rebuild its ruined image and get on with the business of living without a cloud of fear hanging over our every move.
I am excited and am welcoming any change to the current situation. YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
I had decided a couple weeks ago that after the election, no matter the outcome, I was going to try stop seeing the world through the lines that the current state of the world had drawn out for us. I am going to try not see the right versus the left, or any other labels there are. There has been serious damage done to this country not only things beyond our control, but things deep down inside.
We can not rely on any one to fix any of this. We must start from within. Each and every one of us.
America has spoken, and spoken we have! With record voter turnout the country has voted on Hope rather than Fear. A new era of re-pair and re-connection has begun. We the people can do this together, but we must not become complacent. We need to remain vigilant. . . Follow the issues, keep in touch with your elected officials. We can not sit back and watch the ride, if anything has taught us that it has been the past 8 years.
Let us all re-connect with each other, and begin to heal not only the divide between us, but also any wounds we have received, or given. Reach out to one another, and move forward.
We are the United States of America!
Take a look deep down and let go of whatever you can to once again become United. Change starts from the bottom. And we need to believe in each other – each and every single one of us deserves to be believed in, If you can’t believe in someone else, then there is someone out there who can’t believe in you.
Anyone else willing to come forward with me to make a change?
I am feeling very proud of the people of our country, and full of hope. It would be unreasonable, however, to expect that, as President, Barak Obama would be able to turn around overnight what has taken taken years to create. It will take time. Barak is an intelligent and capable man and will provide the kind of leadership our country has so sorely missed. This is a great moment for all of us.
My faith in humanity has been renewed!
I have many arguments with Mr. Obama. We disagree about about the basic viability of capitalist economics, about universal health care, about doubling troop numbers in Afghanistan, about the necessary speed of withdrawal from Iraq, about cross-border strikes (already proving so damaging under Bush) in Pakistan, about the meaning of the concept of “defending Israel.” He’s a centrist, I’m a leftist. But I wept during his speech last night. What kind of ingrates would we be, not to bless the day we were born in time to see an African-American man, humane, deeply intelligent, even-tempered, affectionate, informed, and possessed of a hunger for justice, take his seat in an Office defiled over the last decades by egomaniacs and puppets who couldn’t even remember the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and paid little or no attention to either document. What happened yesterday was old-school “Great Men” history, but it was more and other than that as well: let’s pause and savor it, and think what it asks of us in return.
I’m happy, for the US americans, as well as for all of us in the southern part of this america. This is simply one of the most beautifull days in my entire life. Yes we had already other presidents (clinton, carter etc), but this one, may be different. Yes the Us americans could. Yes, we all can, change the world into a peacefull world. It’s our turn. Let’s hope for the best. I believe. 4 years of intelligence waits for us.
WE are very happy of the new President Elect Barack Obama. We need “Change.”
I voted Obama. Now that that is out of the way, I also have noted that Obama wants make moves towards a more diplomatic approach to outside countries.
It is good that he speaks of meeting with other countries’ leaders, rather than continuing towards building on the war. I only hope he succeeds in not only re energizing the economy, but also in furthering the development of true clean energy [not just ‘clean coal’,a farce, at best], re approaching leaders of the Middle East in forming a more stable relationship with the US, and, so to speak, tearing down the walls of differences on a global scale, beginning here, in the USA.
There’s a lot of work to be done in his first term…
I have to admit to feeling mixed. I am glad to have an Af Am president–it is past time. I just wish he was more progressive and les hawkish.
I wil give him the benefit of the doubt. But, his cabinet picks so far, do not look good.
There are just some things that I cannot compromise on. (I guess I shoudl move!! I wish I coudl afford it!)Single payer health care–everyone else has it. OUT OF THE WARS! Cut the military budget–hugely! Otherwise, anything he tries to do wil not work.
After the Dems wall st bailout–I never want to hear from a capitalist that we “cannot afford” anythign ever again!!
I hope that he deserves al teh passion he has inspired. Sure, we need to help–do I get his salary too?? LOL
I’m so happy and excited after last nights victory for all of American people’s and I have faith that this brillant man shall lead this country to the very best of his ability and beyond it may take some time but if anyone can
it will be Barack Obama .I’m on disability and may not be able to see the final tally after his 8 years are up but ,yeap, he’ll win the next term also keep
the faith ,I have the faith of the tiny mustard seed and Our new President Elect to carry us through God Bless America !! HAIL TO OUR SOON TO BE NEW CHIEF!!!
I think that Obama HAD to win if we were to in any way get back on a positive track as a nation. Anything short of this would have continued to invite all the world’s animosity. And it was a HUGE victory for human rights and our long suffering African American brothers and sisters. But from here I am afraid his hands will be tied by an economy in tatters, unimaginable deficits bequeathed to him by the Bush Cheney regime, and two wasteful and ugly wars that just won’t go away on their own. In short, I am overjoyed by Obama’s win yesterday, but we still have a lot to pray for.
Obama doesn’t promise miracles, just wants us all to work together to make the world and our country a better place with collective effort, science, and tolerance for all.
i have hope in the future. I believe that Barack Obama is very sincere, and deliberate in his words and actions.
I still have tears of joy. Months ago in prayer I knew Barack Obama would win by a landslide. I feel humanity was given the gift of hope through our amazing victory. The people spoke. I am so proud to be an American and strongly feel that we have been given our country back.
It is up to us to help in whatever way we can in the years ahead. Yes, we can!
In gratefulness and love for a grand opportunity to share our collective Light.
I am delighted with Senator Obama’s big win and with an increase in the Democrats in Congress.
My only concern is what can be accomplished with so many stumbling blocks to progress. Just ending the Iraq war is a large, complicated project, stopping the slipping economy another gargantuan job, and organizing a supportive and more aggressive Congress is another challenge. I also hope Senator Obama will choose his assistants wisely, but most of all I am deeply unhappy with his Afghanistan plans which I find incompatible with his anti Iraq stance.
It will be necessary for all of us to pressure this new administration into peaceful solutions rather than using troops to settle problems and I hope that Peace Action with other like-minded organizations will be in the forefront of that struggle.
At least we have a real opportunity to turn our country around now with this sweeping victory for our next president.
I feel VERY hopeful and inspired by all that has happened! I want to get more involved, not let the momentum dissipate. I want a new project. I would like to see Peace Action hook up with Veterans for Peace, Citizen Soldier, Free the Children (, Jstreet (, Jobs with Justice, School of the Americas Watch ( and Project Yano in my own city (San Diego) and envision something powerful and original to help us make the shift from the corporate greed that has run our war economy to an economy based on working people and their aspirations for peace.
I think the world has a taken a turn for the better – the minute Obama was elected president, most of the world breathed a sigh of relief, including me. I think there’s hope.
I had begun to almost ashamed of the direction our country was going. We seemed to be evolving into some sort of reactionary empire. This morning I feel that, although the path ahead is difficult and I do not know exactly where it will take us, there is reason for hope. Barack Obama cannot be perfect and there will always be plenty of criticism to go around, but this is a man who thinks long term and can keep his head. He seems also to be a man who knows how to plan and organize (witness his campaign) and, God knows, there is plenty to plan and organize. I, for one, am willing to watch, wait and support him in this Herculean task, which is a task not for one man but for a country. I long to feel righteously proud of being an American again. I have never lacked patriotism, but I had begun to lack hope. Hope seems possible again.
In 2003 President Bush had an 80% approval rating with the invasion of Iraq. When will Americans [and others] understand that any idiot can start a war, but it is very difficult to end one. Let us hope now that fear will no longer rule our international policy as we try to regain our place in this world.
Re: presidential Election 2008,
Just we have been witness of the birth of American Renaissance.
2008 American election is the beginning of the American Renaissance.
It will rely on the wisdom and education and will remove the arrogance and ignorance that was founded by slavery and racism forever.
I wish the best for the American nation to share the global values with the world.
Thank you all,
Foroozan Manoochehri
Kevin, I agree fervently with your own words:
For me, the celebration today is not just about Obama’s victory or the repudiation of miserably failed Republican politics. The celebration is about the tens of millions of Americans who empowered themselves to take the country in a new, better direction.
We will looks to leadership of Peace Action and others, as well as to Obama hiumself, for what we can do to restore and reinvigorate our democracy and to make and keep peace in the world.
As a Quaker Poet, and peace activist, I could not be happier with the Nation’s choice!
Our world image improvement will make it easier for out country to effectuate true peace initiatives. We can stop nation building, and only serve as role model and
provider of leadership. To speak for peace during the last years has been branded cowardice. This must now change.
I am so emotional about our new President. I have been waiting for this day for so long. I remember the 60’s and the civil rights movement as if it were yesterday. My father and I doing our small part to fight for equality for all people. Hanging on to every word that Martin Luther King said. It wasn’t always easy because many members of our family had already forgotten where they came from. They became bigots themselves. Coming from a racially mixed family I never felt ashamed of the fact that my skin was light but my hair kinky. My parents taught us to always believe we were just as good as anyone else and to feel sorry for ignorant attitudes; but never to hate. President-elect Obama has shown that no matter what color someones skin is….inner strength and dignity is within us all and we can acheive anything we set our minds and hearts to. I know he’ll help this country. It’ll take time and lots of work but together we all can affect change, for the better and for all.
Feeling like the spirit of humanity has evolved, and it’s studies, as well. It’s cool when people who are interested in spirituality share, so, here’s a part of an essai on the subject I wrote over 5 years ago; I thought you might find interesting 🙂 The basis of all relations, including with self, and all studies, including activism and advocacy, are also environmental, spiritual, yet, the delusional construct of ‘materialism’ has all but done away with most of those discernments. I feel the asking of the why “we, ….” don’t necessarily have spiritual human relationships is as interesting a question as who do we have them with, if anybody, per se, as all relations actually have some spirituality to them.
As well, won’t spirituality help us rise to the occasion, since even deductive logic, or most any other kind, has fallen from vogue for decades now, being replaced by market desired and political directed numbing and dumbing down of society at large (concentration of censorship and determination of ownership by the multimedia, etc., conspiracies), and small (the individual soma’s perception being dulled, ‘time’ being ‘used’ in needed ‘survival mode‘, and feelings, real power, being suppressed, repressed, and subjugated to ‘necessary’ requirements of supposed professionalism, etc.); with unimaginably deleterious effects to the evolution. Like spirituality, even logic has to be taught again, as in Ivan
Illich’s “Deschooling Society”.
Yet, for e.g., if we look at the vast knowledge, mystery, and wonder, of the spirituality of Vishnu and the concurrent technology spanning the last 10,000 years, for example, and the river of life, we can easily discern how information processing, technology, war, greed, scarcity ( the corporate structure‘s convolutions devolutionary direction ), have advanced astronomically, while knowledge, spirituality, humanity, mythos, religion, psychology, peace, life, abundance, et al ( the evolutionary one ), have only advanced exponentially. Technology used to be a tool in man’s hand, now man has become the tool, and technology the hand. While it grows in every way, man devolves day by day.
Also, the corporate structure’s ( and its puppets: gov’ts, organized religions, etc. ) convolution’s direction of devolution of society has wrought an astronomical decrease in humanities’ potential, to the point where we may not even avoid the extinction we’ve almost determined on our horizon, yet, in potentia, an individual soma is illimitable; and hopefully, “we,….”, can. With the advancing onslaught of time being speed up by the technocracies’ destruction of ecosystems leading to their permanently altering weather cycles, and 200 year apart super cyclones coming once every 50 years or shorter, “we,…”, the people, have little time to stop the devolutionary direction of the convolution in its tract ( rote ), and turn humanity around 360 degrees, back to the future and evolution.
Their dictating that these, supposedly, natural disasters happen with greater severity and frequency is the paradigm changer determining the extermination of humanity and large mammals; en route to their extinction. It may not be as long as 15 years, so, we do what we can; no? Certainly the studies of spirituality, as not separate from every aspect of reality ( as there’s no separation and not no separation, at once ), including others, must be a root of that potential future for humanity; only, possibly, created through uplifting all human potential now- through actuation of self-actuation, to begin with. Here’s a spiritual study in poetic form that informs discernments of all life being necessary threads in the fabric of life 🙂
“If there was something in the air
If there was something in the wind
If there was something in the trees or bushes
That could be pronounced and once was overheard by animals,
Let this Sacred Knowledge be returned to us again.”
Artharvaveda (VII, 66) as quoted in Entering the Circle
As well, the understanding that spirituality is part of all life and relations with others, ( or can be if one thinks it’s not ) is predicated on the study of self, and others as life, being different, though, essentially ‘not different’. This while people don’t only dislike what they can’t ‘identify’ with or understand, they tend to ostracize them, or it. For e.g., this is compensatory because, if it’s not in their life, then they won’t have to think or feel more to relate to the genuine person, experiences; which makes them “feel and think” of themselves as ‘together‘. They also, thereby, hope to not “have to” actually think about their lives, feel their feelings ( the roots of spirituality ); the “going along to get along” game they play on themselves. They also do this because, their conformity, a mirror image of themselves, is all they allow themselves to see and consider, in a street term, their “have it like that“, etc., which assuages their fears that relate to acceptance and control, their complicity in their own oppression, etc.; for e.g., being competent, having some sense of mastery over one’s life, being liked, surviving, succeeding, fitting in, etc.. It’s difficult, yet, if one keeps struggling, the growth potential, alone, makes being more real well worth it; i.m.h.o..
As well, I think there’s, at least, a step further anyone can take that line of inquiry. For, yes, the questioners have their own agendas, they want us to play into, yet, the labelers aren’t the only ones. What about ourselves and our agendas? What, with keeping Jung’s analysis in mind that 80 % of every action, thought, feeling we have is compensatory, in relation to our past and present, this would bring light to the question, why would we label ourselves; even as “being ourselves”? It brings to mind the whole how could we possibly say who we are, because, as we’re evolving, we are no longer that person we were, or were referring to, question, too; not addressed here.
This while, feeling is power, and its denial, or lack of insight on, can have powerfully negative, digressive, regressive, etc., effects. Although, since I’ve always discarded boxes, labels, and those who would, or do pigeon hole, to the extent that I could, experience has enlightened much of life. I used to say, in order to ‘believe’ in ‘sides‘, you have to be a ‘square‘. Yet, I amended it to, not all those that ‘believe’ in ‘sides’ are ‘squares‘. I stopped studying any ‘belief’ systems since 16 years old, choosing to study reality, instead, for the past 33 years, it serves me well, and reality too. This is based in experience and its fathomless well of knowledge.
So, we continue to search, seek, grow, move, learn, teach, be, fly ( if we can ) as we can; while we can. With all that in mind, someone might even ponder how do we even relate? I think using evolution as a common language, as it’s the thread that links every, in the fabric of life, is a good place to start. In that direction 🙂 Yet, indeed, the self we talk about to others in various circumstances, and with varying length of knowing of the person, etc., and dependent on the nature of those relations, etc., plays key roles in our communications. Yet, while we all have that multitude of masks, isn’t the self becoming, like a snake sheds its skin, shedding those masks? To what we’ve all been referring to as the more genuine, real, original self? Also, how about the self before birth, almost totally non-sociological self’s beginnings? Here’s to those who study those studies in the above mentioned discernments of being, individually, and in relation, the cornerstone of spirituality ( as the word spirituality, relation is a path of study, for, there‘s nothing or no one not in relation, so, the added need for the word, and its concurrent studies, is a symptom of societal malaise ); and on how nature is a plethora of teachers, if “we,….”, still are students 🙂
In closing, here’s a question that could easily be said to sum up “we, the people…“’s spiritual dilemma. If the roots of lack of compassion for self and others, the ill, disadvantaged, children, elderly, handicapped, etc., and the en vogue economic tool war, one being psycho-pathic greed, aren’t addressed in Western societies sociological programming of their populaces, won’t the corporate structure’s convolution’s devolutionary direction eventually determine more apathy and social pathos in global society; ergo, less funding for prevention, treatment, and research into curing AIDS, defense of reproductive rights, and opposition to war as a substitute for economic growth and foreign policy, etc., in the long run? Yet, who will entertain it, let alone pose it? What does the fact that it won’t be posed, like the question of spiritual relations with others, portend for the existence of whole continents, like Africa, nay, humanity itself? For those interested 🙂 “of or pertaining to the morning, day 🙂 relating to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day ( formal ), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)”. As always, feel free to copy and share, as well. Thanx! Enjoy a festive eve’ as you can. Ciao, for now.
Matutinally Yours,
james m nordlund reality (aja) 🙂
it’s a fine tribute to systemic change possibilities—the approach of measured, tempered rhetoric, intelligent/thoughtful considerations, broad-based inclusion for volunteers, fundraisers, instant communication in e-mails —these showed a break with the last century on tech terms and a bond to the last century on the human condition…it built on 3 centuries of injustice and let us know that unity is not uniformity and progress is possibie when everyone pulls forward together.
I am so euphoric! I am wearing red, white and blue – may do so the whole week. Heck, maybe for the rest of the year! We finally have the possibility of a President and government we can be proud of. Halleluia!!!
Now we need to pray for the continued safety of him and his family so he can do the work he has been given.
Last night we were celebrating the victory of our future president, Barack Obama. We were also celebrating our victory, the victory of believing and making the changes we need. By voting, we have voiced our desire for the many changes that need to happen.
I have been working on the campaign in the local office and it has been an incredible experience, particularly last night to surround yourself with such humble, hard working, and inspiring people. I think the President Elect, Barack Obama typifies that in a very good sense among other qualities. I think Barack Obama as president will work for a more peaceful world, using diplomacy at his hands to work for peace. reconciliation, and disarmament. I can certainly trust his thoughtful approaches to peacemaking for Israel, Palestine, and the regional stability and security of the Middle East. Finally, Barack Obama has gotten me as a young voter involved as never before.
He has told us early to be involved, to have a voice to be heard and to partiicpate in the democratic political process. I cannot complain if I do not take action on the issues important to me. I trust Barack Obama judgment, and the way he will lead us into the future, and with hope, I believe our country and world will be a more peaceful world.
As a Quaker Poet and Peace Activist, I could not be happier with our Nation choosing
Obama. Our world image will improve so much that we can effectuate peace initiative in concert with other responsible Nations. Speaking for peace will no longer be branded cowardice, even if it is not immediately heard. We can now claim democracy and preach equalilty, without showing our forked tongue. A new day is coming!!!
It was a fantastic win for Obama but it seems as a gay man like I was thrown under the bus. Numerous proposals to strip away our civil rights passed and a state that we previously had the right to marry was voted out. Can I hope for better treatment during the next four years or will it be same treatment new boss?
We need to make world peace our first oriority. THE WORLD IS WATCHING!
I took the day off from work to celebrate what I hoped would be Barack Obama’s win, and I’ve spent much of the day crying, for joy and with a deep feeling of hope and redemption. As Barack said last night, “It’s been a long time coming.” I am overjoyed.
Obama made a lot of pledges during the primaries. we will have to wait and see if he honors them. when the first thing I read today is that Rahm Immanuel will be chief of staff I am not encouraged. he is a centrist and a compromiser who gave us nafta, free trade and he will give away the store
There is no denying the magnitude of the victory Obama pulled off. Hopefully he can deliver on most of the things he has promised. That is something we have to wait and see. After all, both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who are still in control are people who refused to do the very things that Americans voted them and other Democrats into power for — namely, the ending of (the funding of) the war, and even the impeachment of Bush/Cheney. If he can pull it off and get these goons back in line, then I’ll say he has really pulled it off.
Yes, I have hope – at last – we have a new beginning – we are forever changed. Everyone I talked to today, and they are many, ALL say they now have hope. Let us not begin the criticizing of Barack Obama – even before he gets started! This is a very talented man with visions consistent with what our Founding Fathers set out for us. Let us rejoice in this new beginning – let us be willing to compromise – let us accept that change is for the better, even if it does not fit exactly as we would have it – let us listen – let us look with an open mind at each and every appointment or policy decision he makes. Let us learn from this man, he has much to teach. Let us have faith and most of all let us embrace the hope that millions of us feel now.
Just as we need a healer Barack Obama comes to the forefront.He has made those who have felt powerless and out of the loop, feel that they too can be a part of this wonderful world that is so badly in need of positive change and the reality that no one can do it all by themselves. I pray that Obama and his family will remain safe and that he can focus all his intellect on the building up of this country that has been so devastated by the present administration.
May God bless and bring peace to this earth.
Peacefully yours.
Barb Arko Hargrove
Obuma will never be my president!! He lies, is a con man, has super bad friends you tell me he is a person to lead this country. I know I will be a I told you so! Mark my words Joe Biden! ( mouth) that has nothing to say. Watch the right Obuma. The way Joe and Obuma treated Sarah is not presidential. His bucktooth wife never loved or was proud of this country. So they can leave anytime and I will help them pack lock, stock and barrel. That will make my day. Maddy i care about the USA!
Being a registered Republican I couldn’t, in all honesty, vote for Obama. So I just voted against John McBush and Sarah Cheney.
I voted and supported Obama, however I’m still very worried about his immigration policy. Why in the world would he want to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. We veterans fought to defend THIS country and its citizens, not people that illegally entered this country, rape our women, still our identities, break our laws etc. America has enough dept without compiling it by supporting law-breakers. Lastly, I had to several years to get my social security, why should a illegal alien and law breaker be granted this honor? Why reward someone for stabbing us in the back? I still do not understand why Obama cannot see the entire picture.
I am so relieved and excited that Obama won! I am so proud and confident to say that we can finally begin to move in unison toward positive change! Thanks for the hope.
Today is a new day for our country. A new era. I am hopeful that Obama will work to make good on his promises, but one man cannot fix a broken country all by himself. And this is a broken country he has become president of. Greed, lies, violence are all still present, but so are dignity, respect, love, service, honor and truthfulness. I am finally hopeful about our country again.
I am very proud of us today. Americans from all walks of life, all religions, all races, joined hands and shouted YES WE CAN. We all worked hard to elect President Obama. This nation has been so fractured that it brought tears to my eyes to see the broad range of people in Grant Park last night. We as a people MUST come together to solve all the major issues tearing this country apart. I think the biggest problem he will have is overcoming the blight of greed and selfishness that has infected this country for far too long. If we tighten our belts and plan to work hard for the long haul, like those people from the Greatest Generation, we can bring this country back to where it should be. But we must remember that we are all in this together. We are all brothers and sisters. And we are all our brother’s keeper.
I wish I could feel more confident about an Obama presidency. I’m hoping for the best, but certain inclinations of this politician put my hopes on ice. Certainly I am glad that the war criminals will be out of the White House, but will Obama pursue charges against them? Will he seek justice and set an example for generations to come, or will he retreat behind a “time of healing” facade and allow those who inflicted this plague in Iraq to retire on their ranches, now and then pausing to criticize liberals on Fox News.
Rumor has it Obama is planning to reach out across party lines for his cabinet. This is a bad idea. The Republican Party and its zealots have nothing good to offer this country and putting another GOP lacky in a position of power will only serve to further harm this nation. It is time for the Democrats to display partisanship. It is what the voters have told them to do. Any reaching out to the GOP, which has bankrupt this nation, is a sign Obama is selling us out. Don’t be fooled.
I believe Obama and his family are decent, good people. They are in for a rocky road after eight years of Republican carnage. I hope they remember the social standing and needs of those who elected them and govern accordingly. End all the wars immediately, impose National Health Care and work to fix our election system so that the GOP never again holds a strong place in American Government.
Obama has an opportunity and a mandate to reverse the evil of this past administration. Does he have the strength and conviction to do so? Or will we just have four years of Republican lite? God I hope not.
Symbolically I see Obama’s victory as a very positive step for our public image. And in many ways I think that this is what was always intended with this campaign and presidency. It has always been at the core. On the flip side…a less abstract level…I see this sweeping victory as more evidence that we live in country of “believers”…and not courageous investigators.
Some, such as myself, will argue that after all of the disasters of the Bush years(and his predecessors) that the citizenry of this country, by now, should be far more critical of those seeking public office. Critical about the specific issues…less favorable to the abstract symbolism. Soon we shall learn just how effective our two year interviewing method actually was.
Of course I myself do maintain a small amount of hope in my heart that Obama will recognize the priceless opportuntiy in history that now has made itself available to him. Maybe he will do “things” differently once elected. Maybe he was just saying things to get elected(however unethical that would be). I do at this time still allow myself a glimmer of hope.
However; the last time I allowed myself to “hope” for something that logic suggested would not happen…was concerning Bush after 9/11. I actually thought that even while considering his endless flaws…Bush just might see the opportunity he had to write some dignified and proud American history.
I , like so many others, were obviously dead wrong.
After that I promised myself to never again illogically favor my “hope” over my sensible logic.
Obama supported the bailout….fisa…the patriot act(s)…profit based health care…”clean” nuclear energy..offshore drilling and Obama was/is against the impeachment of Bush. If ignoring the Bush’s most devestating crimes could be considered a honorable act of bi-partisanship…I might have understood.
But it’s not. Looking the other way on these issues, or just claiming that it would be a waste of time…will not give you an excuse in the eyes of history. Without punishment..these actions/inaction’s will be correctly remembered as acceptance. And pretending the persuit of impeachment would be a waste of time is simply job abandonment.
Also notable; I see this time as a crossroads for the progressives & weekend progressives. I think the line has now been drawn in the sand. If Obama does not effectively work hard for the beneficial change so many of his “beleivers” have used as an excuse to cover his numorus conservative flaws…
The weekend progressives will have to just accept that they themselves really are conservative….and they must admit that they keep supporting conservatives. Stop pretending your progressive to rest your conscience.
Being an actual progressive with a conscience,..I myself will no longer restrict my ill feelings for folks who like to say they are progressive but consistently vote for conservatives.
As full control comes your way democrats…I will be watching very closely to document in detail just how much better than the republicans you really are. From here on out…you will get WAY less leeway for excuses.
On the most positive note; I do think that although realistically we do have more immediate foundational threats to our well being…it is long overdue that we begin as a people to start developing a more mature dialog in regards to petty racism.
Racism is a social illness. And in many ways I believe that we are all tainted with racism to some degree. Please lets all work together to correct this condition. Typically it’s been a topic that is avoided becuase it makes people uncomfortable. Well…now if I beleive that any real “change” is to come out of the Obama presidency…I beleive that now, we as a people must evolve beyond this. Now more than ever it is crucial that we grow a thicker…share our grievances…accept our related flaws…work together to explore ways to improve past it. If we could do this…the United States may again one day make the world proud to be our friends. Enough rhetoric about the “melting pot”…lets prove it please. We all have some work to do. As the overwhelming majority of Americans know…we are all one.
I know everyone is very happy and excited about Obama, and it is true this is an excellent milestone in US politics to have an African American as president, HOWEVER…
Obama has never committed himself to Peace. I’m sorry people, but it’s true. You say you don’t want the US to attack Iran? Obama has vowed to attack Iran with even nuclear weapons to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He has made a promise to do that. Look up his speech to AIPAC, it’s there.
Obama is anti-Iraq war, but he is not anti-war. His main argument that he would not have invaded Iraq doesn’t stop there. His real argument is that the military should be in Afghanistan instead.
Obama has also committed to increasing, NOT decreasing, the US military, by 90,000.
Obama has also advocated military strikes in Pakistan, like the ones we’ve seen lately. The ones that have been killing families and putting Pakistan near collapse. Pakistan is also a nuclear nation, and if they destabilise it would mean horrors for the world.
But people in their joy never listened to Obama other than the words Hope and Change and they imagined what that meant to them. Obama let us all fill in the blanks, but no one checked what he actually said and committed to.
If you care about honesty and truth, look it up. Find out what Obama has committed to – it’s not peace. He is a hawk.
Peace is more important than Obama. We need to make it our priority and stop unconditionally praising him.
Thank you for your message of perseverance.
If we had gotten Dennis Kucinich, we might not have to push so hard to restore Peace, our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and to stop the genocide in Iraq.
With Obama, we’re going to have to fight for every scrap.
Keep up the fight and your leadership role!
It was New Years last night in NYC!
Indeed the American people have finally realized that the “Repugs” are not working
in their best interest.
I am impressed that Obama did not resort to the Republican’s dirty tricks
and lies in order to scare the American people but ran a campaign with intelligence,
grace and dignity. Something we have not seen I’m a very long time and something
I thought was no longer possible in an election.
Now I have hope for better days ahead.
Love Antonella
I have to agree with Pat.
As happy as I am that a black man has become the leader of the US, in the end I’d rather have Kucinich, who at least has tried to impeach Bush on war crimes, made strong protests against war, protested against the bailout, FISA, and more.
I am very saddened by it all, because I see so many happy people, so heartfelt, but I wonder if they even know how much Obama has not committed to peace.
The election is over and we must begin turning our country around now, or the opportunity may not come again. By quickly organizing ourselves in each of the 435 congressional districts, over the next 100 days, we can make single-payer healthcare, a living wage, and a less militaristic society our long-term reality. We must do this because the founders of these United States gave us the power to do it. Please watch the video and sign up today.
Several months ago, I had a dream that I was told that Barak Obama had won the election and was goign to be the next president of the United States.
I fell to my knees with tears streaming down my face, put my hands together and thanked God for his victory.
You bet I’m happy!
What a man.
What a Gentleman.
Such grace.
God bless him, and protect him.
I feel like I’m back in the days of Jack Kennedy’s presidency.
Hope springs eternal!
I have new hope. President Barack is going to be a Great President that will listen to others and try different ideas if one does not work. The eight last years I felt like I did not have a President.
I have new hope. President Obama is going to be a Great President that will listen to others and try different ideas if one does not work. The eight last years, I felt like I did not have a President.
Many have “fallen in love” with Obama. Now we’ve had the marriage and I rejoice in the joy, the pride, the amazement expressed by the black people of this country as well as those in other parts of the world. It’s been way too long in coming for them. Soon the honeymoon will be over and the hard work will start. Some illusions will be broken. But we need to have a commitment for each of us to do what we can to make this country better, for our sake and for the world that the most powerful country in the world has such an effect on.
I’ve been cautious in my support. I actually favored, first Kucinich, then Edwards, then Nader. But I’m becoming more realistic while still maintaining my ideals. I hope my health holds up so that I can contribute in my own meager way to make this country, this world, better for those who are younger than I am.
I am hopeful. I don’t expect to see all the changes I think are good and just, perhaps not even that many of them in the next four years. But I am inspired by a couple of Obama’s expressions of deep wisdom, by his excellent leadership skills, by his ability to maintain a decent campaign, his ability to not waver in positive expressions of McCain’s service. I am encouraged by his character and the realism expressed in his acceptance speech.
Here’s to hope….
Though Obama will be constrained by the years of Bush/Cheney abuse and the financial mess, it is refreshing to know that so many Americans can look beyond color and see the qualities of intelligence and dignified integrity as reasons to elect this fine American.
As a registered Republican and vet I am ashamed of the mean spirited campaign waged by McCain and Palin. Let us hope that the sound defeat and rejection of the Republican effort helps to wake up the party to restructure itself for the good of our nation.
It has been said that if Fascism comes to America it will be cloaked in a flag and bearing a cross.
There is much hope for America and the world in the election of Mr. Obama.
I’m kinda riding an emotional roller coaster with Obama’s win. On one level I am ecstatic that a BLACK man, in THIS country (named Barack Hussein Obama to boot) was elected president. I KNOW its happened – but a part of me just doesn’t believe its true. Watching the celebrations, particularly the emotion in the faces of black people, is just overwhelming. It’s like he’s our Nelson Mandela or a black JFK.
On the other hand, everything I know about the political system in this country tells me Barack will not implement the changes we need to make or that I want to see. (And scumbag Bush, by digging a HUGE deficit hole in the country, will make it so hard to get things done.)
The only thing I’ll miss about McCain losing is not seeing Tina Fey do Sarah Palin for four years. (Meanwhile, of course, I woke up this morning still out of a job and running out of money…)
I rejoiced at Obama’s victory and recalled a hope that I had not known since the days of Martin Luther King. But I have deep fears. During the past years I studied to answer the question in the title of my recent book, Who Benefits from Global Violence and War?. That force of centralized military and corporate power remains. Obama’s willingness to use advisors who would advocate maintaining military bases in Iraq, escalating war in Afghanistan, supporting illegal settlements in Palestine, suggest that our hopes for a better society may go the way of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Societ” — a sacrifice to the draining and dividing wars of the time, Support for war , for off-shore drilling, for capital punishment are not the wishes of Obama’s grass root supporters. Everything hangs on whether we can make ourselves heard.
We stand on the threshold of a new tomorrow.We have a new President who has called for change. He has called for a united country.We must step into that tomorrow by being willing to listen to all, include all, and make sure that everyone has an equal opportunityto be a part of re-uniting this country. for eight long years we have had a government of division and fear. Now let us have a government of hope and unity. Invite evryone to the table!
I will fight Barack on expanding the military war in AFghanistan. We do not have change by continuing a military madness and just shifting it from Iraq to Afghanistan. There cannot be a military solution. The Pakistani just want us out of there. We must stop bombing raids in other countries to “get somebody”. We usually “get” a lot of innocent people and more hatred for our country. Afgahans kicked the Russians out and almost bankrupted them after about seven years. If we want change we have to continue to pressure obama for whom I voted to not continue the militarism of his predessors. We must talk to our enemies and reach some compromise solutions. We must stop the madness of spending money and resources on warfare instead of making peace. Now that would really be Change. Of course I am skeptical but still hopeful.
President Barack Obama brings a calming effect on the country. This is not only an American victory, it is victory internationally. President Obama has wiped the slate clean and brings forth a new beginning. His peaceful aura gives hope to all nations for the improvement of international relationship. Even before he became president, the world had confidence in him.
With President Obama being such a loving father and husband, he gives hope to families, to be a role model for those men (baby daddies) who are only biological donors, who have abandoned their children, and who have refused to acknowledge or be responsible for their children. These fatherless children end up in foster care. I work in the human services field and my greatest hope is that young men who impregnate women and leave them, will model the behavior of our great president and become loving fathers instead of “baby daddies.” President Obama is the best role model for the youth who are unaware of what a father’s responsibility to a child is. Thank God for providing us with a “family role model” in the highest office in the land.
It is the greatest joy today when people can rise above one’s skin color and vote for the best person to handle the job. It is a difficult task that lies ahead, but with togetherness and love for each other, we will make it. A new day has dawned in America.
I am truly hoping that President Obama will appoint Hillary Clinton to be in charge of Health Care.
His appointments are so crucial and it would be only fair and prudent to put her in charge of the Health Care. I know they have their differences, but their goal is the same, even if not in the exact way they would carry it out. Just reading her plan, it seemed like the better one… nevertheless, who would be better than Hillary to carry out a new health care plan.
I feel connected to my fellow Americans in a more positive way than I have in many years. I also feel that we have a democracy again.
I can’t say I agree with Obama on all issues. I’m really more of a libertarian – voted for Ron Paul in the Primary. But the more I learned and observed of Obama, the more admiration and respect I developed for him for his intelligence, temperament, values, and the way he understands a broader cross-section of Americans than anyone else I can think of. Besides, I was really having nightmares about the alternative. By election time, I was hoping not only for a win for Obama, but a landslide, to show the unity of most of the country. It was magnificent.
I would like to suggest, in the interest of bipartisanship, that Obama make use of Sarah Palin’s foreign affairs experience and give her a very important job, spying on Russia with binoculars from her front porch.
THANK YOU AMERICA!!! We saw history last night, I am proud to be part of it!
For the first time in 8 very long years, I feel like I have the country I love back! There is hope where it was hopeless and I, along with the rest of the American people, can stand tall with heads held high and be proud again! My faith in the American people has been renewed!
Dear President Obama: Congratulations to you and Vice President Joe Biden and your families. I am happy to support the both of you and really look forward to better days for our country. I am concerned about a couple of things still. I hope that you don’t plan on invading Iran or continuing the War Mongering policies of G.W.(Go to War) Bush of firing missiles on Syria or invading Pakistan 2 times with helicopters without Pakistan’s permission!! The United States is Not the Policeman or the Soldier of the Entire World, nor should it be!!! I also hope that you Personally will Give Back the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of Every American citizen – – by Doing Away with that piece of Treasonous Trash that G.W. Forced on the American people!! I am of course talking about the UnPATRIOT ACT!!! Please Restore All of America’s rights to it’s citizens A.S.A.P. You have a Big Job Ahead of You and the Republicans left you with a Gigantic Bill — thanks to the War in Iraq, as well as in Afghanistan!!! If we leave Iraq and Afghanistan, we will be able to pay off our bills in This Country!!! We could afford health insurance and other domestic problems with the money that we would save!!! Also we would make Friends in other countries — Not Enemies!! I will be Praying for you and your administration! I am sure that if you just start with these few solutions, you Can and Will Make A Big Difference in Turning This Country Around!! God Bless You and Your Family and God Bless the United States of America!!
The night before Election Day I called Barack Obama’s HQ in Chicago, I told one of Barack’s workers that this Election Day 08 had more meaning to me than just Electing a Democrat as President ( notice I said Electing a Democrat President ). Nov.4 is mine and my husband’s 2nd wedding anniv. and to share it with President Barack Obama’s win to the White House is something we will always cherish through the years. I also told Barack’s worker that I would be spending my anniv., as an Elected Official at my district’s voting place to try and ensure a fair and honest voting day for all, I could not voice my hopes during the hours the election poles were open but as soon as we closed the voting, as soon as all ballots were counted, as soon as I returned a call to my daughter and was told Barack Obama WON, I made sure everyone that worked as an Elected Official with me knew that our NEW President was Barack Obama !!!
What Barack Obama’s presidency means to me is, HOPE for a better future for all my brothers and sisters of all nationalities across the world and an end to the past eight years of hell that George Bush and Dick Cheney has put the United States, other Nations and Countries through, PEACE for all who seek it and even for those who do not, FAITH that President Obama CAN bring ALL NATIONS together in betterment of mankind and settle our differences peacefully!!!
Never before has voting felt so good!
Obama’s victory has energized America.
World, we are on our way back. Be patient,
because it will take a year or two for us to get back on our feet economically.
I experience Obama’s win as an affirmation of Hope – as a sign that our efforts will be no longer need to be primarily focused on combating the abuse of resources for greed and the downhill slide into collapse of the ecological balance .
We can now paddle with the flow, rather than upstream, and accomplish far more to protect the earth and reverse the damage in working together to create a sustainable peaceful planetary culture with appreciation for diversity.
In one swoop, all Americans have hope again. We have a fresh start….a real beginning to make a difference RIGHT NOW. I am so proud of Americans today and last night for making a decisive proclamation in electing President elect Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden…we, as a nation, finally made a statement to the WORLD… we have to get to work…not just the new administration but ALL of us……black, white, hispanic, dems, republicans, independents,etc.—we need to speak up and get involved even more—-be a part of this transformation and embrace it.
CONGRATS, America and the World.
You scare me!
. You are full of mistruths and propaganda expounded by the Republicans!!
Only in America would someone such as yourself be able to express such a trite opinion.
We all will wait as President elect Obama shows you he means what he says.
I have never felt as hopeful for America as when the reality oh Barak Obama’s victory began to set in. This may be the most important event in my experience of over 77 years. Although America faces a multitude of chalenges, I believe that we have elected the best possible leader to focus the nation – after all these years under control of special interests – on the common good. Together, under his leadership, we will begin to heal the earth and begin to explore new approaches to domestic and international conflicts.
In my opinion the single most important structural change in our government to support such a program would be the establishment of a U.S. Department of Peace, as defined in H.R. 808. Such a department could be a resource for every school in America to begin teaching creative, nonviolent solutions to conflicts at every grade level from pre-school to graduate school. The department would be a resource to every precinct and judicial district as well, by supporting restorative justice as an alternative to using prison as the solitary solution to domestic violence. The Secretary of Peace would not only direct the department, but would be the much-needed voice in the cabinet for non-violent resolution of international conflicts. President Obama would be the ideal leader who would not only listen to his Defense Secretary for military strategies, but also his Peace Secretary for violence prevention strategies. Moreover, this new cabinet member would almost certainly present some humanitarian counter arguments to the military-industrial complex in budget discussions.
Frank Goetz
We live a New America today. I am so happy for everyone, including myself 🙂
Obama is smart enough to get good people around him and lead it together for better present and future. I will remember forever the moment I saw the last results…I could not believe it. We did something for a better world; our dream came true; we helped people to trust again…it is a historical period for the entire world.
Barack Obama needs to set priorities, because the reversal of everything bad the Republicans have done since 1980 is so overwhelming. The first thing Obama needs to do is cut the military budget by withdrawing our troops from Iraq, getting out of Afghanistan, and eliminating over 800 overseas military installations.
He also needs to establish a single-payer health system so that our health system covers 100% of Americans. At the same time, we need to reduce the costs of our current heatlh care system from approximately 15% of our GDP to approximately 9% of our GDP. The reduction in cost should cover all of the 45 million Americans who are not covered by health insurance with no net increase in costs to the American people.
I think the Republicans have won the argument over no new taxes. The Bush tax cuts on upper income Americans must be rescinded. Trickle down economics has been a massive failure. Since the country cannot institute new taxes, conservative programs must be reduced. In California (and the rest of the country has not been far behind) we have greatly increased the criminal system so that the United States now leads the world in the percentage of its population that is imprisoned. We need to reduce this population.
I feel very definitely that Obama’s deep conviction is that we can (yes we can) become a more unified country working together in pursuit of our highest ideals, and for the good of the world. What is exciting is that the whole world seems to agree and is rejoicing. Marge
I do not believe America is ready to resolve it’s problems, nor return to a Constitutional government of honor, they will repeat upon repeat attempting the same lesser of evil failures, hoping one day it will all change for the best.
Most in America still live in denial of reality that remains corrupt and destructive all about them. Actually fearful of change that would end the near 80% importation of “Gods Blessings” from the poorest Third World nations and slave labor growing more intent each day for revenge. Truely ignorant and agnry if told of the problems fast becoming unstopable calamities.
Three calamities are in America and the worlds future, economic, ecologic, and social. One will will drive another until even the blind can no longer mislead the blind.
I feel very hopeful.
I heard a lot during Obama’s acceptance speech that touched at fundamental principles of our country. The challenge to grassroots America to stand up for what we think is right and speak out about what we think is important is a reminder that eacah person, each community, counts.
I did not hear rhetoric indicating that keeping America the greatest power on earth is the ultimate goal. Rather the goal is to offee the opportunity to a decent life to all at home and to be good peaceable neighbors in the world.
I’m very joyful today, because I believe that not only will President-elect Obama employ diplomacy in foreign relations and not start unjustified wars, I believe his administration will be far more supportive of civil liberties, environmental and wildlife causes, and domestic issues. In addition, he’s smart and will represent our country well.
Had McCain won the election, I probably would have left the country. I don’t know how, since I am underemployed and not a part of the great middle class, but part of the even greater class of lower income people. People in this lower-income category include blue collar workers, working class stiffs, wage slaves, independent contractors, the self-underemployed, day laborers, migrant workers, devotees of simple living, those who’ve taken voluntary vows of poverty, the disabled, the elderly, homeless people, the underprivileged, the undereducated unable to compete in a technological society, auto industry workers now unemployed, professionals who have gotten knocked down to subsistence levels due to downsizing, outsourcing, and other euphemistic expressions of screwing the workforce, bohemians, artists, and other various and sundry misfits. Can you relate?
Throughout his campaign, Barack Obama rallied for the middle class. I often wondered why those in the lower income bracket didn’t come in for honorable mention. The only candidate who spoke to the issue of poverty is John Edwards. And for that, and for his unequivocal support of Obama, he should earn a place in the Obama administration. Maybe it was just too revolutionary a thing for Barack to speak about the lower income bracket when he was trying to win over middle America–which had to be done were he to win the election. He aimed his concentration, with a sure and steady beam, toward the middle, and his strategy definitely paid off. He was elected with a stunning mandate. He struck the correct note and it resonated.
I have been a principled non-voter for most of my adult life, and my politics from time have been way left of center. Some might even say they’re way left of left. I used to say if there were a candidate who promised to dissolve the armed forces, abolish the money system, end existing wars and strive to maintain peace, I’d rear back on my non-voting haunches and vote for that person. Of course, how could that ever happen? Nobody would elect someone like that. They’d think that person was a nut case.
At the same time, this is a country that saw Ronald Reagan as a great president, considered George Bush not only sane but right (huh?), and thought Bill Clinton’s most grievous transgressions were his sexual digressions and cigar aggressions in the Oval Office. How soon we forget. Bill also bombed the living daylights out of Belgrade and other far-off places, and initiated the dismantlement of public welfare. He was also a death penalty proponent. So as much as I found Bill disarming, I felt his worst acts were not those of the prurient kind. If anything, those acts at least made him a real human being, and brought blow jobs and phone sex into the common parlance.
In the primaries, Dennis Kucinich was the candidate closest to my ideals, but I knew he didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell. Likewise, as much as I love and deeply admire David McReynolds (who ran as the socialist candidate in 2004), and who, in fact, is my neighbor, I knew Dave could never win the coveted White House.
Actually, I find the office of president itself very perplexing. Why would anyone ever want to do such a job? It’s a sure-fire path to heartburn, an ulcer, or worse. And it’s kind of a no-win situation, since ya can’t please all of the people all of the time. More importantly, no one person should be that empowered.
But back to Barack. I love him. He’s a centrist and a machine politician for the most part but I love him just the same ’cause he’s just my Barack. He offers great hope and inspiration. He has also irrevocably changed the course of history in this country, indeed, the world. As an African American he’s going to have to work 1000 times harder than a white man or even a white woman. The only person with a steeper curve would be a gay black disabled woman with a history of gambling with public assets.
However, even if Barack turns out to be the very worst president this country ever had, he’ll still have ignited burning passion in this country and brought it into a state of unity by virtue of such an unbelievable national mobilization. He is capable of galvanizing a nation. No small feat. Obama is intelligent, has integrity, is compassionate. He’s gentle, calm, and he’s hot. I love Michelle too, love that she wore black and red last night, and dressed one daughter in black and the other in red. It delights me no end, as well, to think of little African American girls running all over the White House. I wish him well and I hope he knocks all our socks off. I also sincerely and fervently pray that God watches over and protects him. I feel proud that this country has grown up enough to have elected an African American. Especially a person of mixed parentage, because in a way that unites us all by validating the notion that we are all one race, really–you know, the human one.
But despite the initial flush of ecstasy, the first thing I did after listening to McCain’s concession and Obama’s acceptance was to respond to an email from I sent an email to Obama congratulating him and urging him to keep certain priorities in mind: to remain true to his campaign commitments by signing a strong new global treaty on climate change, closing Guantanamo, ending torture, carefully withdrawing from Iraq, and doubling aid to fight poverty. And to drop that pesky boneheaded idea of aggression against Afghanistan to get the ubiquitous “bad guy.” (Oi, enough with the wild west nomenclature, already.)
I further stated: I’m looking forward to your fulfilling your promise to listen to the citizens of this country (no matter how wacky, no matter how wise). I’m hoping that not only this nation, but this world can “Come Together” and move forward toward a truly civilized society.
When Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization, he replied, “I think it would be a good idea.” Here, here! We’ve got a long way to go and a great deal of work to do. It’s not about patriotism but something far beyond that. It’s a commitment beyond democracy, which always leaves some of us out. It’s about the careful consideration of a truly utopian vision. I hope Barack Obama can, within the context of government, take us a few baby steps along to the way to freedom, cooperation (mutual aid), peace (in our lifetimes, please) and a bona fide revelation of what humanity can achieve.
I’m thrilled Obama was elected. I’m walking on air. I wish him well. And, as Tiny Tim said, “May God bless us all.”
At this moment of incredible elation with the election’s results, I am most concerned with two interconnected possibilities. One, that President Obama will embark on a course that will not be sustainable politically, thus precipitating a crisis of confidence nationally, and two, that this wrenching circumstance will lead to a successful attempt on his life, that naturally will become an international tragedy of the first magnitude for all of Humanity. There exist extremely powerful interests that stand to lose greatly by any radical change
to the current system, and I fear that when they realize that the President is set on doing away with their priviledges, they will stoop to any means to foil his programs for justice.
Well I guess that the enemies of America have finally succeeded in brainwashing the white Christian Americans. I never thought I’d be witnessing this ‘abomination’. – Not only did these very foolish people put in our White House someone of another race (nation), but someone who has not proven that he was born in the U.S.A. – He still refuses to show an authentic certificate of live birth. – How he got away with that is beyond me!!! – He is no Christian, he is a Muslim. – He was the media’s Golden Boy. – America better wake up and realize that the media is the enemy. – They spin and lie and omit the truth. – It’s amazing how the people who adored Barack just ignored his relationship with that so-called ‘reverend’ Wright and his anti-American and anti-white rantings; the questionable associations with people like William Ayers, etc. ; his socialistic, marxist leanings. – Seems that the dumming down has finally taken root. – Also we have too many third world illegal aliens voting, not to mention stupid, easily led 18 year olds. – I don’t recognize America any longer. – I’m sure the Founding Fathers would be appauled and quite disappointed in this joke of an election. – Obama is a pole turtle. – You see, while driving down a country road and you see a turtle up on top of a pole, you know that he doesn’t belong there, he didn’t get up there on his own, and it makes you wonder what idiot put him up there!? – I will never put the word president in front of Obama’s name. – Thanks to very stupid, guilt ridden (through brainwashing) whites they have voted against their own interests. – They don’t know that the blacks and other non-whites would love to see ‘whitey’ disappear. – STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. – America is finished. – She doesn’t know who she is any more. – Especially since GOD has been chased out of our schools, etc. – I feel sorry for the next generation of white Christian children.
Real change for peace depends on understandinfg of human nature as a peaceful nature. The human species is a social species which depends for survival on the right education for development of human conscience or ‘morality’ i.e. education in the true sense -education with care and underestanding or ‘love’. We should make educational philosophy our priority and then there is hope for real progress in all areas of human acivity. It is Obama’s moral strength which is so forceful and he encourages each person to unlock the potential of their own moral strength. Yes there is hope for world peace.
Last night, as I watched history unfold, and saw the joy and relief, and heard words of hope and cries of exaltation, tears filled my eyes. I was so grateful that our people finally took back our country.
This morning, as I awoke to a warm, sunny day in Western New York, I felt like there had never been such a beautiful day to be an American.
Obama’s election and the very existence of this amazing man are cause for hope and thanks. Our task as activists for a peaceful, just, and green world is to redouble our efforts to respond to the many crises we face and to increase the channels through which U. S. citizens can express their positive hopes and dreams.
We have to work hard so that cuts in the defense budget can be reinvested in promoting peace around the world. One of the highest-priority places for such investment is the Pashtun area straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan, an area where education and health care are almost non-existent. Obama’s plan to send more troops to Afghanistan worries me, but I hope he understands that the task of the U.S. in this region is to help with development. Our job is to make sure he understands it.
I am thrilled to be alive to see an African American elected President of the United States. It does not, of course, mean the end of racism in our country, but what a blessing to finally see some realization of Martin Luther King’s dream that one day we might be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin.
We have been a nation of strident exertion of power over others. And in some ways the peace movement has participated in a paradigm of “power” as we oppose wrongful policies and priorities. We have a unique opportunity now of living a different model of empowerment and awareness that can create deeper transfomration.
I hope that the peace movement can transform itself from strident opposition (no matter how justified) to a wellspring of people who practice peace and respect for others. In this way, because of our deep respect for other human beings, even those with whom we disagree, we will be are able to awaken others to the deeply wrong piorities our nation has exhibited in action: reliance on weaponry and the spreading of weapons throughout the world a the main means of effecting policies of dominance.
I have to honestly say that I agree whole heartedly with everything that Ray the chauffeur man said !!!!!!!!!
This country is getting deeper and deeper in trouble and in dept and their is no changing it now.
Everything that is happening in the U.S.A. and world wide is all Biblical and we are at the “END TIMES” everything that the Bible mentions has been happening and it is all coming together slowly but surely and God is getting ready to return and take His people home to meet Him in the sky.
We know not the hour nor the day (AND NO ONE CAN PREDICT IT EITHER) !!!!!
There will come a day when money will no longer be used for anything, this is called the mark of the beast 666, you will not be able to sell, trade or borrow.
If you take this mark on your forehead or palm you are doomed.
All I can say is read the Bible and do what it says and pray each and every day.
It’s important not to pin unrealistic hopes on any one person. There is hope in the MOVEMENT Obama has potentially unleashed, but this remains only a chance for real change, to paraphrase Obama’s acceptance speech.
Now is not the time to get complacent about the peace movement. Despite being in the majority in Congress, the previous Democratic Congress continued to fund war. And Obama’s plans to increase troops in Afghanistan does not bode well. Congress’s and Obama’s feet must be held to the fire starting NOW. Letters, lobbying, and hitting the streets with redoubled peace marches–whatever it takes. A new movement called “November 5th” is starting up. I urge everyone to check it out.
There is so much to do, and so much could go wrong. Something could happen to him. And he is person of the center, not of the left–so we will not get national health care or progressive tax reform, or a real end to the war, or much in the way of financial regulation. But there is a real diff btwn the Dems & Repugs in degree if not in absolutes. When we voted for O., we also voted for the kind of folks he will bring into govt with him, for the ideas they would bring, however mild, and for the stature he has in the world at large. I am cautiously optimistic for incremental reform. Everyone makes mistakes, and O will too, even if he cannot afford to. He is smart enough to learn from them & move on. Let’s get to work.
My wife and I were watching the coverage and it was at 200 electoral votes for Obama, and we were waiting for some big states to come in, than when it came back from a commercial there was a billboard with Barack’s picture and beneath it it said, “The 44th President of the United States. I was very confused, and than it was announced. I actually let out a whoop of joy. What a moment. I will never forget it.
I am so proud to be an American, and to be part of this historic moment and this man’s victory and historic presidency. I think it has already given America a newer, and kinder face to the rest of the world, and shown them that America is truly the land of opportunity and dreams. We’re back.
There is a lot of work ahead of Obama, our leaders and us, but I think the polls have shown that he has galvanized our country again, and that we are ready to help in the process of making the US financially, spiritually, and morally strong again, and ready to participate in leading the world into a new direction of hope and tolerance.
Like Whifflepod, I am to the left of Obama, in fact I am a registered Green, but I felt the same sense of exultation that he won. I was surprised that , although my black friends were over the moon with joy, some white liberals acted almost as if they had voted for Barack as a protest vote and were sure all those imaginary gun =totin’, church-goin’ rednecks in Indiana and Virginia wd safely put McCain in. In other words, they didn’t really act that happy. But I am happy. i suggest Peace Action get to work on the mess in Afghanistan, which even Alexander the Great couldn’t conquer, and try to help Barack find a way out other than doubling the troops. Cheers, Sylvia Barnard
HOPE IS ALIVE AND WELL IN THE USA! Thankyou to all of the citizens who woke up and became involved. Now let’s stay involved and help work on the problems instead of idly watching as our government (for the past 8 years) runs our country and its people into the ground. Our new leadership needs and deserves the support, attention ,and involvement of all of us.Our nation is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
I am not an American and do not even live in America but the US election has involved the whole including me who watched it through the night. The 8 year Neocon adminstration created a culture which was shaped around fear (imaginary or real), negative thinking, war. destruction and hopelessness. This was a plague that spread throughout the globe. As a result your country’s image had been tarnished and your economy in ruins. Although I understand that Mr Obama’s foreign policies are not as peaceful as one expects but I very much hope that by time his administration understands that America’s strength would best be served if its governments tried to lead the world through peaceful means rather than agressive policies as the Bush adminstration did right from the beginning.
I am not in the position to deliver any views on your internal affairs but there are many international issues which need immediate attention and difficult as it seems, I hope Mr Obama’s administration puts them in priority on its foreign policies :
1- The end of occupation of Iraq.
2- The policy of construction of Afganistan as a country, to give its people hope instead of bombing its villages and killing civilians.
3 Closinbg down the Guantanamo Camp and an immediate trial of its prisoners in a court of law with the presence of lawyers.
4- Ending the decades sanction against the tiny country of Cuba and letting its people to decide for themselves the type of regime they prefer to govern them.
5- Finalising the Palestinian/Isrealis problem by leading it to a peaceful solution for both peoples by giving back what had been taken from the Palestinians and the right of Isreal to exist and have normal relation with its neibours.
6- Stopping the threat of war on Iran and reaching an agreement with the consensus of the international community on dealing with Iran through negotiations and peaceful means on the one hand and supporting the plight of the Iranian people against the constant abuse of their human rights by the Iranian regime on the other hand.
I am certain that as Mr Clinton said America will be a greater country if “IT IS RULED BY THE POWER OF EXAMPLE AND NOT THE EXAMPLE OF POWER”.
At the end I wish Mr Obama stands to the expectations of the American people who made a revolution in millions to show the world that they are not as aggeressive and blood thirsty, fearful, revengful and destructive as were portrayed during the past 8 years of the Bush administration. Good luck to you all.
I am SO relieved and SO glad Obama is go be our president. Hallelujia! But as wonderful as a good leader is, we must all still be very much involved. Now there is real hope that we can get important, positive things done– now that sources of power are reachable– now we must all go out and get things done.
Years ago I despaired that times they were a changin’ too much in the wrong direction. I re-wrote Dylan’s song as “How do we get there from Here?” The sentiments I wrote then and the questions I asked still ring true to me, but they sound with hope rather than anxious futility.
Christmas 2001
or How Do We Get There From Here?
(sung to the tune of Bob Dylan’s “The Times They are a Changing”)
Fire in the sky; What does it mean?
Where did it come from? Where does it lead?
What does it bid us to do and to be?
Are we driven by hope or by fear
As we seek a world that is both safe and free?
Oh, how do we get there from here?
Should we be afraid that life won’t be the same,
Or afraid that it will and that nothing will change,
That our way of thinking will still remain
As it’s been for so many years?
Can’t we end human sacrifice in our god’s name?
Oh, how do we get there from here?
Will this draw us together or tear us apart?
Where majority rules does dissent make a mark?
Do we follow our leaders or follow our hearts?
Is loyalty all it appears?
Can we choose a path that is not on the charts?
Oh, how do we get there from here?
As we look at the wide world and what’s going on,
And we stand tall and proud and we right other’s wrongs
Can we leave a clean past for our daughters and sons
With our consciences active and clear?
And a future where justice is not on the run?
Oh, how do we get there from here?
Can we justify peace as we justify war?
Can we seek the same ends in new ways than before,
Upholding the truths that remain at our core,
And respecting all lives far and near?
Can we glorify peace as we glorify war?
Can we look to new heros to open new doors?
Solve problems and conflicts in ways that endure?
Build our peace upon trust and not fear?
Will we build a world where there’s hope for the poor?
Will there be an outcry we cannot ignore?
Oh, how do we get there from here?
Tina Erickson Stanton, April, 2003
I Am very excited about Obama having been elected as our 44th American President, and part of this is because as one who has been communicating with, or rather Channeling Higher Cosmic Forces of Light (I was trained at a very early age through the “Edgar Cayce” method of Channeling, for those of you who may have heard of the famous psychic channel Edgar Cayce & the A.R.E.), these Higher Forces who have literally saved my life many times. They Channeled to me last Sept. 3, 2008, that Obama was going to win this election and this was some very uplifting information about Obama, and how his soul is a very highly evolved Cosmic Being of Light in Earth embodiment (also referred to as a “Light Worker”/”Walk-In”/”Indigo”/”Star Person”), that he had actually Volunteered to take Earth embodiment to help not only the U.S. but the entire planet. This very Inspiring & Insightful Channeling & Posting, “Barack Obama and Fulfilling One’s Mission & Destiny” is posted at, in the “Channeled Material” section. I was told by the Higher Forces that the power elite or cabal had already ATTEMPTED at least three times to assassinate him, but each time he was Divinely Protected so that he could be elected–and that the ANGELS ARE WATCHING OVER HIM AND HIS WONDERFUL FAMILY, and that he will fulfill his Mission and Destiny to manifest peace upon this planet and to help usher in the Golden Age. God Bless Barack Obama! And God Bless the United States of America!!!!!
As a mother of a son in Iraq I am thrilled with the possibiblity of ending this war.
I am so proud of this country for not letting race be an issue and having the courage to get out of the comfort zone and want change. There is so much negativity surrounding the Democratic party that it is hard to convince people to stick with the important issues and I think Obama mangaed to do this. I hope the world will give us back the repect we used to enjoy.
I am very happy that Mr. Obama won the election. I have a lot of hope and faith in him that he will certainly bring much change to this country. It seems that worldwide many people are thrilled that he won. Already it seems he’s a well respected and popular person. He’s not going to be perfect, no one is but I think he will do extremely well as President.
To Ray the Chauffer:
You call the vast majority of Americans who voted for Obama “stupid”. But if anything, Obama has been criticized for being too intellectual for “Joe Sixpack”, whoever that is. Perhaps you’re the one who doesn’t understand things.
Obviously, your experience of our nation has been very different from mine. Where I grew up, most of the white kids I knew were Irish-Catholic, Italian-Catholic, Jewish, whatever… the only kids I knew with names like Smith and Jones were black. In other words, it’s very real to me that America is a melting pot, so it seems perfectly natural to have a one-man melting pot as President.
If you learned only one thing this week, it should be that bigots like you are now the minority. Accept it.
I am still overwhelmed that finally we have hope for America. After eight years of disaster, I can be proud and excited to be an American. But Barack Obama can not restore America without us. I stand ready to act in any way I can for this great man and more importantly for our nation.
And to Ray the Chauffer and all those with his narrow minded mentality I say get over it and get with the program. We are a nation of the people and for the people. We have a seperation of church and state for a reason. This country is truly a melting pot. If you want to go back to the beginning then we would all have to leave except for Native Americans.
Yes I feel optimistic now that real change is on the way, This has been a very historic election with the election of the first African American to the Presidency of the United States of America.
We can unite now as one with no discrimination by social conservatives against people. No discrimination against gays or straights, no age discrimination, gender or racial discrimination, discrimination against people of different skin color, nationality or ethnicity, disability or non disabled, and say with one voice yes we can!
Having stolen two elections from Democrats Al Gore and John Kerry outgoing President Bush has divided the country and contributed to the ruining of our economy.
Barack Obama will bring green jobs, support an employee’s bill of rights to join or form a union by supporting the Employee Free Choice Act whose proponents try to scare people into thinking it will take away the right of union members to cast secret ballots which is untrue, work towards climate change, get us out of Iraq in a responsible manner and work towards winning the war on terror and the fight in Afghanistan by re-deploying troops from Iraq to Afghanistan and above all uniting the country.
President Bush once promised to have a bi-partisan administration but his idea was to make Democrats vote with Republicans even when Republican proposals weren’t any good. Barack Obama will encourage real bi-partisanship.
We also have a new Congress with larger Democratic majorities than were won in 2006 with new Senators and Representatives favoring the Employee Free Choice Act and getting out of Iraq so Roadblock Republicans cannot obstruct and interfere with Democratic attempts to make real progress.
If Republicans want to remain active and have a role at all in the new government they have to work with the Democrats and give up their bitter partisan, ideological policies.
Stop filibustering good Democratic proposals for no reason — if they disagree with something fine but explain why they disagree and cast a no vote on occasion but provide a good alternative of their own then.
I am excited by Barack Obama’s election to Presidency of the United States and Joe Biden becoming the next Vice President.
We are seeing real progress and no doubt groups like Peace Action will be there every step of the way supporting newly elected Democrats opposing the war in Iraq and any Republicans who would oppose it too (although it looks like all Republicans still support it even if they are trying to distance themselves from Bush they are refusing to vote against the unpopular war) while opposing Republicans who still favor the war in Iraq and are trying to keep us tied up in Iraq indefinitely. Barack Obama will have the U.S. quit spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while our own economy suffers and our federal budget has deficits, and Iraq has a surplus of $80 billion dollars projected to be $60 billion next year which they are not touching at all.
Now a $700 billion bailout of bad mortgages. Enough is enough. Reduce the deficit, restore fiscal discipline and sanity to government — this is not about small government versus big government, tax cuts versus tax increases it is about fiscal discipline. Restoring the budget surpluses of the Clinton Gore years and getting us out of red and back into green.
Balance the budget, and if possible reduce or eliminate the trade deficit and make it a trade surplus and pay down the national debt.
We need to get out of Iraq without terrorists taking over the country. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will do their best to make this a reality in the near term.
As a member of Peace Action for many year, I’m trying take to heart Obama’s call for and end to divisiveness. We’ve been criticizing the Bush Administration for so long that it’s going to be difficult not to get distracted, in the coming years, into knee-jerk defense of Obama against Republican attacks. But we need to hold the Dems’ feet to the fire just as much on the really difficult issues of achieving world peace. The Obama administration can’t get a pass on this just because they’re Democrats.
Why can’t Peace Action, and the peace movement in general, be a place where truly conservative Republicans – the kind who get Ike’s warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex – feel welcome. Why can’t we have “Republicans for Nuclear Disarmament and World Peace?” How are we ever going to make any real progress if we pretend that peace is a partisan issue – that you have to be a Democrat, or further “left,” to be concerned about nuclear proliferation, wasteful military spending, ill-advised wars of occupation, or worldwide poverty, diseases, and human rights abuses?
Peace is NOT a partisan issue. Neither are the other issues that can draw us together to make a better world. The real promise that Obama represents is the possibility of a huge number of Americans taking a major step forward in how we see ourselves as a nation – a step that will take us beyond thinking in the simplistically dualistic and endlessly conflicting terms of “left” vs “right,” or their most widespread current version in the U.S., “liberal vs. “conservative” and Democrats vs Republicans.
Left wing in conflict with right wing makes a very sick eagle, unable to fly. The heart, soul, and brain of the country needs to be get past that sickness.
I sincerely hope that Obama will bring good changes to our country. But as far as the war goes, I dont think anything is going to change. His campaign received more contributions from defense contractors than McCain’s did. War is big business and we also have a great deal invested in Iraq and Afganistan. I dont think we are just going to pull out and leave everything behind. And besides even as a senator, Obama (or any senator) could have held up any spending bill for the war with the power of the filibuster. Without money, the military cant fight. In closing, i hope we can find a way to bring the fighting to an end. I have a son who just this summer finished a 15 month tour in Iraq and I dont want him to go back. Or anyone else for that matter.
I am so happy Barack was voted in as President!!! I was so terrified that McCain and Palin would win and there would be 4 more years of screwed up politics.
I have faith in Obama will do so many great things for this country. First he has to be briefed on the real damage that Bush and his Administration has caused. I am sure the American People only know the half of it. I am sure they are a lot of secret things that went on that we are all not privy to.
Then I believe that Barack must first conquer the Ecomony in this country otherwise there will be no country, and then of course, the War in Iraq which is draining our country financially. The war is also killing our soldiers unnecessarily.
Good Luck Obama- Please do what you can to make our country strong again!!! I realize it may take a while. You seem to be able to handle the task far better then Bush ever did!
We know that Obama will not be able to deliver quickly or fully on the promises of the campaign. We know that the course of history will be determined by events as much as by his presidency.
But for now, I am euphoric to have a president-elect who respects the Constitution; respects the rule of law; respects the balance of powers ;respects diplomacy; the rights of women, the needs of the poor, and the environment, and one who listens to those who disagree with him. For a start this means no more signing statements; no more appointments designed to defy and destroy the will of the people; no more spying on the citizenry, and no more torture. And so much more.
It’s a great time to be in America!
The US is still moving in the wrong direction, and will be until:
A) Barack Obama takes the oath of office and then changes the direction himself
B) the American people flood the White House and Congress with a mostly unified message of change that includes single payer healthcare, a new renewable energy economy, tax reform that places the burden where it belongs: to those who use our natural resources and infrastructure most following on down to those least able to pay, a reduction in milirtary spending, wars, military bases around the world, and a new education initiative that puts Americans where we deserve to be academically.
C) Congress takes initiative and brings about legislation that Americans have demanded for decades but have not received.
D) the American people swamp Congress with phone calls, letters, and emails demanding change that includes the above issues.
We figure largely into any mandate of change in Washington, and it won’t happen until Americans demand it. We won’t leave Iraq, we won’t stop spending billions too much on the military, we won’t stop guzzling the world’s oil, we won’t stop America’s corporate insurance providers from overcharging and underproviding until Americans stand up and demand it. SAYING YOURE SO HAPPY OBAMA WAS ELECTED DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CHANGE, WE MUST NOW FORCE CHANGE. That’s the only way it has ever worked in this country. Peace.
President elect Barack Obama no soldier left behind
first of all the election is over I am full of joy for that, maybe I can get some rest for now,I am so glad that Obama is useing his Philosophy not to strike back at those who was striking at him,what good would it do, inorder to do a good job,his attention must be on the weak economy, and the war in Iraq,and Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as Iran, remember Obama is just a man,he said no soldier left behind,if he set a time table as to when, and it must be soon, in order to stop this black friday and brake the economic turmoil in America the reason is as long as we keep our troops in Iraq the
longer the curse will last,obama has envision the problem as long as we are spending $ 10 billion dollar every month on a war in Iraq that should never
have been waged that kind of money can be used to help the America People
and also fited the curse that the people of Iraq has place on the USA, because of the war the large Company has fail and no one can fited it until we believe what the president elect has said deploy the troops out of Iraq and the problem can be fited in America, please do not ignore this
the reason that I speak as I do if you have a bible read St, John 10:34 and
Psalm 82;verse 6&7 about the small Gods read it for your self and if you do not understand it you can e-mail me at
and I will tell you about the people in Iraq and why no soldier should be left behind.
Have no fear. the problem tell CBS and CNN and ABC and NBC that thay need to speak to the Poor and not just celebrity, I know that thay have to have a high rating,but people like me need a used van to carry the marginalized young men and young lady that I help train and to teach them the skills needed for succsee I have over 200 hundred from ages 8 to 21 years of age some of them will not receive a gift for Christmas, I never receive a grant I have to used the few dollar that I have,so yes I vote bring the Troops home President elect
as I say all well that end well
Rev Dr. O.D. Robinson Psy.D.
Community Organizers speaks to the American people on health care reform we are asking the president that health care professional,and the America medical association to ask physician to cut their cost of payment for patient who need care Doctorer low your cost and we all can live better in America traffice
this to david Axelrod, and the President,let us join tograther and live like American we know that it can be done,s no more high cost
we have two many poor people that do not have insurances live and let live Physician.
Community Organizers for a better American
you can e-mail me at
where is your mind is my key word
Rev Dr.O.D.Robinson Psy.D
God bless America