PA West's Rebecca Griffin in the San Jose Mercury News on Iran
Peace Action would encourage our supporters to read Peace Action West’s Rebecca Griffin’s latest OpEd in the San Jose Mercury News. The piece titled “Sanctions on Iran would backfire” can be found here. Check out Rebecca’s other work at Peace Action West here.
Since Iran’s disputed presidential election, much of Congress has been driven by a desire to get tough on Iran. The Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act, which lead sponsor Rep. Howard Berman, D-Van Nuys, has called a “sword of Damocles over the Iranians,” would punish companies that sell gas to Iran. In the midst of heightened rhetoric, it has gained more than 300 House co-sponsors and 75 in the Senate.
Although Iran’s secret nuclear site raises real concerns, administration officials have acknowledged that the bottom line of the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate remains the same: Iran is years away from the ability to produce a nuclear weapon.