We did it!
We put the writing on the wall. For three solid days, opposition to the war in Afghanistan dominated the White House’s Facebook wall.
At one point yesterday, public posting on the White House wall was shut down. While there’s no way to know for certain, I get the feeling we got their attention.
And we need to keep getting their attention. Since January the press has been pushing an idea that’s just not true – that a lack of street protests means a lack of strong opposition to the war in Afghanistan. It’s an idea that makes it easier to continue, or even escalate the war.
So we have to keep showing the president, Congress and the media that there is a new kind of peace movement – a growing one that shows its power in unexpected ways. Can you pitch in today so we can keep building the momentum?
The president is considering an escalation of up to 45,000 troops. At this critical decision point for Afghanistan policy, your efforts helped us draw attention to the strong and growing opposition to escalation in Afghanistan. Our Facebook vigil at the White House spread throughout the blogosphere and the mainstream press, including a post in the Washington Post blog. In the words of one prominent blogger, Peace Action West is “fast becoming one of my favorite anti-war groups.”
With all the attention, the posts just kept coming. While we couldn’t catch every post, we took a bunch of screenshots so you could see the enormity of your response to our call for action. Check them out here. Then, please remember that 98 percent of our work is funded by individuals just like you. Without you, this work simply will not continue.
Way to step it up and get some WH & media attention! Also either a WH FB server shutdown or intentional shutdown. Let’s transform this momentum, this slight window into feet on the ground & calls to congress. Any plans for doing similar things on congressmembers’ pages? Keep up the great work everybody!
Thanks, Ryan! No plans yet, but this is definitely a tactic we’ll keep in mind. It was inspiring to see the constant flow of messages on the White House page.