Behind the scenes with The Daily Show in Iran

 In Iran
[youtube=] Like just about everybody, I am a huge fan of The Daily Show‘s political analysis and incisive humor. So I was excited when, soon after I returned from Iran, I learned that the show had sent Jason Jones and producer Tim Greenberg to Iran to cover the elections. It was amazing to see them not in front of an obvious green screen picture of a bazaar, but instead visiting many of the fabulous places I had just seen on my trip. They did a wonderful job of bringing their wit to Iran and showing a side of the country that most Americans don’t usually see in the mainstream media.

In this video (warning: some explicit language), Tim and Jason talk about their desire to go to Iran and break through stereotypes, and their realization of how absurd the push to war with Iran coming from the US really is. You can see the full series from Iran here.

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