Add Your Voice to a Petition Calling for The Participation of Women in Peace Negotiations Around the World
From our friends at the Global Fund for Women:
Too often women and children bear the greatest brunt of war. Violence against women is repeatedly used to break and humiliate women, men and communities in conflict areas around the world.
On October 31, 2000 the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325 on women and peace and security. But its implementation has been far too slow.
On this 10th anniversary the Global Fund for Women – the world’s largest women’s foundation supporting the advancement of women’s human rights – is asking Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the leadership of the United States in ensuring that peace processes around the world have the full participation of women at all stages. Women’s innovative and courageous actions to demand accountability for human rights violations during conflict, their role in sustaining their communities, and the alternatives they create to address conflict, must be recognized. Please take action and sign our petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Thank you!
Global Fund for Women
222 Sutter Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94108
Peace should be considered very seriously.
When do we want peace? We want peace now. For everyone. Everywhere.