The Obama administration is in the midst of deciding how many troops with leave Afghanistan starting in July. President Obama has reiterated his pledge to begin withdrawal in July, and recently [...]
By Judith LeBlanc This week, the debate on the federal budget deficit continues to rage, but not in DC. It’s in town hall meetings across the country during the Congressional recess and on the [...]
by Peter Deccy, Development Director, Peace Action & Peace Action Education Fund The war in Afghanistan is now the longest in US history. The costs are frightful. Over 12,000 American [...]
While lawmakers talk about cutting spending, the record shows that they have failed to make real cuts within the federal government’s biggest ticket discretionary spending area. [...]
This is the first installment in our monthly series highlighting alternatives to war—effective programs that create stability and economic opportunity and improve lives. To receive our monthly [...]
I can’t even count the number of times people — from peace activists to congressional staffers — have recommended that I read “Three Cups of Tea,” or shared their enthusiasm for Greg [...]
The budget debate is in full swing on Capitol Hill, with Congress finally passing a bill to fund the government for the rest of Fiscal Year 2011, and getting ready to look at the 2012 request. [...]
Afghanistan ranks 176th out of 178 countries on Transparency International’s corruption index, only slightly better than Somalia and tied with Myanmar. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that no [...]
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research’s (UNIDIR) journal Disarmament Forum published an issue late last year devoted to views on civil society and nuclear disarmament. [...]
“Some questions cannot be answered,” my new friend says, when I press him as to what he would advocate as the way forward in Afghanistan. “I am bewildered, dismayed,” he says, “in that things are [...]