Summary of Peace Action's 2011-2016 Strategic Plan
Building a grassroots movement for peace and justice:
Peace Action’s Long-Range Strategic Plan, 2011-2016
Summary and Overview
Our Vision
Peace Action is a grassroots-based national organization, committed to building a peaceful world. We share a vision of world peace, in which: the menace of nuclear weapons has forever been erased; war has been abolished as a method of solving conflicts; all human beings are assured the wherewithal to live in health and dignity; and no one is denied the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect the common good.
Our Mission
The most important threats to the people of this country are not terrorists or foreign enemies but joblessness, foreclosures, gaping holes in the safety net, the climate crisis, concentration of wealth, influence of major corporations, and absence of true democracy. Our current foreign policy and military spending threaten our democracy at home and our security abroad. Abolition of nuclear weapons, an end to the international arms trade and reductions in military spending will
free up resources to address our real needs at home. Support for international law, humanitarian aid, and diplomacy will save lives and promote peace with justice abroad
Peace Action seeks: (1) the global abolition of nuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction; (2) the end of the international arms trade; (3) significant reductions in worldwide military expenditures and implementing an effective program of economic conversion.
Peace Action supports: (1) the development of creative, democratic international non-military peacekeeping initiatives and institutions; (2) globally sustainable and economically just societies dedicated to ensuring basic human rights.
Peace Action will mobilize Americans to secure:
A demilitarized, sustainable economy;
A nuclear weapons-free world; and
An end to U.S.-supported wars and occupations.
Policy and Program Goals and Objectives
A. A Demilitarized, Sustainable Economy
Reduce the military budget by 25%
Reduce the number of U.S. foreign military bases by 30%
Reduce the amount of the military budget that goes to contractors by 35%
Demilitarize public schools by increasing to twelve the number of states with legislation prohibiting the use of military testing for recruitment purposes.
B. A Nuclear Weapons-Free World
Prevent “modernization” of the U.S. nuclear weapons production complex and upgrading of delivery systems;
Ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Achieve progress towards nuclear disarmament outside the treaty process.
Negotiate three international treaties to end the threat of nuclear war: Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in the Middle East; abolish nuclear weapons worldwide; stop production of nuclear weapons-grade materials worldwide
C. An End to U.S.-Supported Wars and Occupations
In Afghanistan and Pakistan, end U.S. military operations, support regional peace-making: bring home all U.S. military personnel and close all U.S. military bases, and contribute to the reconstruction of Afghanistan.
In Israel/Palestine, promote sustainable peace with justice by supporting peacemakers in both communities and by pressing for an end to U.S. financial and military aid to the Israeli government until it complies with international law.
Defuse the U.S./Iran conflict, as reflected in the creation of a regional security network with participation from all Middle East countries.
End the U.S. occupation of Iraq by the end of 2011: bring home all U.S. military personnel and all contractors, close all military bases in Iraq, and contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq.
Support and strengthen the United Nations as a guarantor of international security, human rights and social progress.