Terrific Boston Subway and Bus Ads on Iran, Organized by Massachusetts Peace Action!
From Massachusetts Peace Action Communications Director Cole Harrison (and his last point is that we can use this for other transit ads around the country!):
Mass Peace Action is posting “Diplomacy, Not War with Iran” ads in Boston area subway cars and buses. The ad will run starting a week from today for four weeks on the MBTA’s red and orange lines, and buses. It links to a web site containing the Peace Action petition as well as resource materials. An image of the ad is at http://masspeaceaction.org/1710.
We pulled in 4 other peace groups, including our UJP coalition, as cosponsors, and after lengthy consultations, arrived at a text that our supporters were happy with. We raised $3200 mostly from online donations. The MBTA required two changes in the text, which were annoying but left the message basically intact.
So, unless something else goes wrong, we should see the ads go up starting March 19.
Of course, we would be happy to help you reuse our artwork if you’d like.