May 18-19 Chicago: Vision and Organizing

 In Afghanistan, Afghanistan war veterans, Global Activism, NATO, NATO Counter Summit, Peace, Peace Action

By Judith Le Blanc

Member countries of NATO in blue Česky: Člensk...

Member countries of NATO in blue (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When US officials met In Brussels with NATO countries to prepare for the May NATO Summit in Chicago, Australia announced it would withdraw its troops from Afghanistan a year earlier than planned. Depending on the outcome of the French presidential elections, France may do the same.

When the 15,000 NATO Summit diplomats and members of their entourages arrive, peace and justice activists and organizers  from the US and NATO countries will be in Chicago May 18-20 to greet them with the urgency of ending the Afghanistan war now and  building just and productive societies.

It is time for all the NATO and US troops to leave Afghanistan. Now only 32% of US people support keeping the troops in Afghanistan.

What is it going to take to move the majority opposition to the war into a politically empowered movement to press the Obama administration and Congress to bring the troops home now?

Vision and organizing! Come to Chicago to map out an alternative vision to NATO’s wars and the US driven global arms race. Join the training sessions at the Counter-Summit for Peace and Economic Justice.

Want to meet with leaders of the peace and disarmament movements from NATO countries, Afghans for Peace and Afghan war veterans and strategize about organizing the global anti-war movement? Register for the Counter-Summit for Peace and Economic Justice


•A New Economy Is Possible: Jobs & Economic Justice vs. Militarism

•Afghanistan: How Do Wars End?

•US/NATO Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Removal Long Overdue

•Wisconsin: Rebellion and Recall

•Resisting Militarization of Youth

•Know your rights (especially in Chicago!) and nonviolent direct action training

•PLUS 21 more workshops to choose from!

Why should you be in Chicago May 18-19 for the Counter-Summit for Peace and Economic Justice?

Because $523 billion has already been spent on the Afghan war, with more to be pledged during the summit.  Tens of thousands Afghan civilians have been killed or wounded. 2,000 US soldiers have been killed and another 15,300 wounded.  1000 NATO troops have lost their lives.

The human costs are unconscionable. The economic costs are shredding the lives of the youngest, sickest and oldest with cuts in crucial human services.

Organizers for  economic, racial justice and for immigrant rights will discuss the connection between the daily struggle for a decent life and militarism helping us break down the issue silos!

You Can’t Take What’s All of Ours! Breaking Down NATO/G8 and Rising Up Against Austerity and Militarism. Download training curriculum from our website to do popular education on NATO and it’s impact on the world:

March on May 20 with the Network for a NATO Free Future contingent (location to be announced) as we march in support the Afghanistan war veterans as turn in their medals to the NATO Generals.

Like NATO Free Future on Facebook.

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