Sen. Feinstein: diplomacy with Iran is best hope
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) took to the San Francisco Chronicle to share an important message about resolving tensions with Iran:
Some argue Iran has no intention of curtailing its nuclear program and that any talks are bound to fail, but I believe circumstances finally may be right to negotiate an agreement.
But given the looming threat of an Israeli military strike and the potentially catastrophic reaction in the Middle East, a diplomatic solution offers the best outcome for Iran, Israel and the international community. We must support those efforts.
Read the rest here.
Thankfully, the pushback against a military attack on Iran appears to be having an impact. The New York Times reports today that experts believe the chance of war with Iran in the near future has “significantly decreased.”
It’s important for us to monitor this debate and continue to push for a diplomatic resolution. If you haven’t yet, you can click here to tell your representative and senators to support diplomacy and oppose bills that move the US closer to war.