Cut the Military Budget First
Let’s push the Pentagon off the fiscal cliff!
Well maybe that’s not a good metaphor. Regardless, in the nonsense about the “fiscal cliff” here in your nation’s capital, not enough scrutiny has been given to the gargantuan Pentagon budget, which is 57% of discretionary spending, has ballooned over the last decade, and is equal to the next 16 largest military budgets combined.
A few very good articles today aim to remedy that, and we’ll have more news soon on coalition efforts to cut Pentagon spending and actions you can take in support. Randy Schutt of Cleveland Peace Action posted the diary Cut Military Spending First on Daily Kos. David Rosman weighs in with Fiscal Cliff Debate Should Include Military and Social Spending in the Columbia Missourian. And Micah Zenko hoists Secretary of “Defense” Leon Panetta on his own petard with Offensive Maneuver: Why Does Leon Panetta hate Democracy in Foreign Policy.
Also, we’ll soon have a link for the Unified Security Budget which outlines specific Pentagon budget cuts.
We need a serious drumbeat here, since many in DC would love to use the phony “fiscal cliff” to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other social spending while keeping the $1 trillion per year “national security” budget largely untouched. Please post other articles on cutting military spending and demand Pentagon cuts.
Justin Amash spent more of his web site urging Defense cuts then Bernie Frank does. Since the Libertarian mass booting from various committees his web page changed so see Wikipedia. We must protest him being kicked off the Budget Committee. And work out a Libertarian Left non pork proposal for budget cuts such as internet prescriptions and overseas health care, in exchange for ending the blockage of Cuba and most favored nation status instead,