Joining forces to push for a strong Arms Trade Treaty
Our sister organization the Peace Education Fund is proud to be one of three dozen organizations calling on President Obama to support a robust Arms Trade Treaty at UN negotiations next month. As Reuters reports:
“The United States, as the world’s leading arms supplier, has a special responsibility to provide the leadership needed for an ATT (arms trade treaty) with the highest possible standards for the transfer of conventional arms and ammunition,” the groups wrote to Obama in a letter delivered late on Friday.
“The Arms Trade Treaty can provide a key tool to help reduce enormous human suffering caused by irresponsible international arms transfers and arms brokering,” the letter said.
The 36 groups that co-authored the letter include Amnesty International USA, Arms Control Association, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Oxfam America, National Association of Evangelicals and other groups.
Peace Action West has been mobilizing supporters in favor of the treaty and working to educate the public and Congress about the NRA’s myths about the ATT. You can urge your senators to speak out in favor of a strong Arms Trade Treaty here.