Imagine turning on the news and hearing a serious discussion about what your elected representatives are doing about critical issues like diplomacy with Iran and the war in Afghanistan. While [...]
What’s notable about this is it’s not just the usual suspects, which is likely why the Washington Post gave it some ink. Bipartisan coalition calls for reforming sequester’s [...]
Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), the ranking Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is planning to introduce a bill that would permit arms sales to rebels in Syria. Speaking on ABC’s [...]
There is a lot of hype around the showdown over sequestration or the across the board cuts in the federal budget. The worst fear mongering is about the impact on the Pentagon budget. The [...]
Our sister organization the Peace Education Fund is proud to be one of three dozen organizations calling on President Obama to support a robust Arms Trade Treaty at UN negotiations next month. [...]
The “sequester” — automatic across-the-board federal government spending cuts that appears to be inevitable come March 1 — will hurt domestic discretionary spending [...]
Bloomberg has been doing some great reporting on the Pentagon budget. Their infographic below paints an effective picture of how weapons companies make cutting back on unnecessary Pentagon [...]
As the debate continues on the automatic spending cuts, the deficit, and the 2013 federal budget, it may seem like there is no way forward. Over a trillion has already been cut in the last two [...]
The Obama administration is reportedly revisiting the idea of arming rebels in Syria. Stephen Walt at Foreign Policy highlights some misconceptions about this potential approach to the conflict: [...]
Ten years ago, in the largest demonstration in history, over 15 million people worldwide hit the streets to call for peace instead of George Bush’s “pre-emptive” war of [...]