Call now! Votes to cut Pentagon waste
Today’s the day.
Over the last couple of weeks, you have generated thousands of messages to representatives urging them to cut wasteful Pentagon spending. This morning, the House will start votes on a cavalcade of amendments to help rein in this waste. Our colleagues at the Friends Committee on National Legislation have provided a toll free number to get the calls flooding in to Congress.
Call your representative now at 877-429-0678 to support amendments to save money by bringing troops home from Europe and Afghanistan. Then, click here to tell me how your call went.
Cutting Pentagon spending in the Republican-controlled House can be an uphill battle. But there are strategic, bipartisan amendments on the table to take troops out of two places they don’t need to be—Europe and Afghanistan. We can see some wins, if our representatives feel the pressure.
Call your representative at the congressional switchboard at 877-429-0678 right now. Use this sample as a guide:
“My name is [your name] and I live in [your city]. I am calling to tell [representative] to vote for amendments to the NDAA to bring troops home from Europe and end the war in Afghanistan.” You can look up your representative here.
Then, report your call here.
There are going to be dozens of amendments voted on in the next couple of days. Your calls help make sure peace priorities are heard.