Brief Election Post-Mortem

 In 2014 mid-term elections


Among otherwise tough mid-term election results, six of the top eight candidates Peace Action endorsed and supported (along with Peace Action West, Peace Action Michigan and New Hampshire Peace Action) won yesterday. In the Senate, Jeff Merkeley (OR), Al Franken (MN), Gary Peters (MI) and Jeanne Shaheen (NH) won, with Bruce Braley (IA) losing. In the House, Mike Honda (CA) and Rick Nolan (MN) won, with Carol Shea Porter (NH) coming up just short in her tight re-election race.

We’ll have more to say soon about the outcome of the mid-terms and the impact on Peace Action’s agenda, but for now here is a pretty good analysis of the key factors in yesterday’s results on the website Talking Points Memo. 

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  • Bill Samuel

    Unfortunately all your candidates are war supporters. I can not support you because of your record of supporting pro-war candidates, and your unconscionable support of the 2012 Merkley Amendment endorsing 2 more years of war in Afghanistan. You are NOT a peace group.

  • Oliver Robinson

    From your America community organizer the State of New Hmpshire made a wise point,let me ask you a quester what do you think that the republicans party can do but go to War the third world Country are having some fun about the Election of November 4,2014 with the Reublicans in the senate can only bring more Country into a War which will cost the American people billions of Dollar a year I have a vision of more violence in America,s the only way to grow and have some peace is to join together the Republican must join hand with President Obama and the Democratic party, the Republican party paid out so much Money to young American and adults inorder to win
    but just remember money can not buy every thing, the key word is ( let us have peace instad of war)
    from Rev Dr, O,D, Robinson Psy,d

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