Tell the Senate: diplomacy worked with Iran, time to use it with Syria
Last week, with the help of our affiliates and allies, Connecticut Representative Jim Himes quickly organized a letter signed by 55 Members of Congress to President Obama calling for international talks to end the Syrian civil war, talks that include Russia and Iran.
It’s time for the other Congressional chamber, the Senate, to speak up. President Obama, other leaders and experts agree that the main solution to the crisis in Syria is a political one. Yet, comprehensive negotiations between all the key stakeholders have yet to occur.
As you know, with Syria’s invite, Russia started conducting airstrikes in Syria. Now military hawks are suggesting the U.S. enforce a no-fly zone. The Obama administration and others rightfully point out that such actions would like only escalate the situation. Again, international talks- not jet fighters- are more apt to stop the civil war.
The longer we wait to have comprehensive peace talks to work out a peace plan, the longer the war and refugee crisis will continue. Take action now and forward this message to your family and friends and ask them to take action as well.