2016 Election Volunteer Opportunities
Last summer, the House of Representatives voted on a bill to stop the transfer of civilian-killing cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia. That bill failed by only seven votes. Electing more pro-peace candidates to Congress can make the difference in passing critical legislation like this. More importantly, some of these candidates may become pro-peace leaders on our issues by writing good legislation and organizing other members of Congress to vote their way.
In many states early voting has already started. There are only a few weeks left for you to make a difference in this election. And now you’re probably thinking we are going to ask for money. That certainly helps, but volunteering with a campaign can make a huge difference too. There’s nothing more valuable than a real person talking to a voter in person or on the phone.
Below we’ve selected ten competitive races where you can volunteer and make a tremendous difference. You can volunteer in person or from anywhere with a computer and phone. You can make calls now for Douglas Applegate by clicking here or for Zephyr Teachout by clicking here. Many campaigns will even provide housing if you want to travel and volunteer. Please volunteer for one of these campaigns, and be sure to let them know that Peace Action sent you!
Michael Eggman CA-10 (Stanislaus County, and portions of San Joaquin County: Modesto. Cities in the district include Oakdale, Manteca, Modesto, Tracy, and Turlock)
Kristal Romero 209-850-1557, Kristal@eggmanforcongress.com
Mike Honda CA-17 (Silicon Valley: Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Santa Clara, Fremont, Newark, North San Jose, and Milpitas) Jessica@honda.com
Salud Carbajal CA-24 (Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County as well the Los Padres National Forest) info@saludcarbajal.com or 805-845-9745
Douglas Applegate CA-49 (Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad and Encinitas) http://applegateforcongress.com/events/ or http://applegateforcongress.com/sign-up-to-phone-bank
Rick Nolan MN-8 (Duluth) http://www.nolanforcongress.org/join-our-team
Gretchen Driskell MI-7 (Ann Arbor and Monroe County) http://votegretchen.com/volunteer/
Carol Shea-Porter NH-1 (Manchester, the Seacoast and the Lakes Region) Patrick at patrick@sheaporter.com or 603-781-0347
Zephyr Teachout NY-19 (Hudson Valley and Catskills) http://www.zephyrteachoutforcongress.com/volunteer or http://www.zephyrteachoutforcongress.com/form/phonebank
Deborah Ross NC https://www.deborahross.com/landing/get-involved/
Peace Action has endorsed over 30 pro-peace candidates this cycle and we are now focused on the above ten competitive races. Click here for more information on these pro-peace candidates, or to donate to them.
If you do volunteer with a campaign, please let us know about your experience by leaving a comment below.