What We Learned in Congressional Hearings Last Week ("We Could Tell You, But Then We'd Have to Kill You")

Well, the good folks at truthout changed the header on my op-ed to a less colorful “North Korea and U.S. Special Ops Forces” but still glad they published it. Copyright Truthout.org, [...]

Very Scary – the U.S. Military's Asia-Pacific Pivot – Let's Build Up China (Our Banker) as the new Enemy and thus Justify the Permanent War Machine (Funded by our Tax Dollars!)

Lots to be scared of this Halloween – Frankenstorm and its aftermath, a possible Romey-Ryan Administration, running out of candy at 7:30 while trick or treaters still roam your [...]

Romney's China Zinger Offers an Opening for a Serious Debate on U.S. Asia Policy (not his intention I'm sure!)

So I have to admit that when I heard it last night during the presidential debate, I thought this was a clever zinger by Mitt Romney (or his speech writers more likely): “What things will I cut [...]

President Obama's Speech – What did you think?

Here’s my quick take on the President’s acceptance speech at the Dem Convention last night, but I’d love to know what you thought of it as well. (The New York Times has the [...]