Last week the Washington Post, citing unnamed US officials, reported that the CIA has revived a controversial aspect of its drone program known as “signature strikes” – a way [...]
When the CIA says there aren’t that many civilians being killed in drone strikes, we should trust them—right? Wrong.We’ve seen far too many examples lately of the government not being straight [...]
Peace Action Wisconsin has been doing some slammin’ media work lately, here’s another op-ed in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, this one on drones, by PA WI board member Conor [...]
The political frame of our work is building a new, more peaceful, less militaristic U.S. foreign policy based on democracy, human rights, justice and sustainability. This framework can help us [...]
published by Foreign Policy in Focus Towards a Foreign Policy for the 99 Percent By Kevin Martin, December 18, 2012 Relief, rather than elation, was probably the emotion most U.S. peace activists [...]
Hi America. Come on in. Have a seat. Get comfy. Well, we’ll just come right out and say it, since we really care about you. You have an addiction. To violence. I know you’re hurting, [...]