Did you know that nuclear weapons are the only weapons of mass destruction not prohibited under international law? We trace Peace Action’s efforts to delegitimize nuclear weapons to the [...]
http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-a-budget/296397-days-of-blank-checks-are-over-for-nuclear-weapons-establishment By Kevin Martin, Peace Action and Jay Coghlan, Nuclear Watch New [...]
Great piece on Huffington Post, as always, by SUNY-Albany emeritus professor of history and politics and Peace Action board member Larry Wittner, on U.S. and global military spending. According [...]
Great job by Peace Action Wisconsin Program Director Mike Helbick, who got help on this from our friends at the Coalition for Human Needs. Cuts Threaten Milwaukee, our Economy [...]
There is a lot of hype around the showdown over sequestration or the across the board cuts in the federal budget. The worst fear mongering is about the impact on the Pentagon budget. The [...]
As the debate continues on the automatic spending cuts, the deficit, and the 2013 federal budget, it may seem like there is no way forward. Over a trillion has already been cut in the last two [...]
One of the best ways to reduce the deficit is to put people back to work. It’s time to invest in our people, and our communities. Let’s create stable jobs at living wages, rehabilitate our [...]
Thursday, November 29, 2012 BY MADELYN HOFFMAN GUEST COLUMNIST Bloomfield Life As the calendar propels us toward the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, there is no issue the U.S. Congress and [...]
http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/shift-us-spending-priorities-save-state-jobs-8p7ehg2-176860871.html By Mike Helbick Nov. 1, 2012 On Oct. 25, Oshkosh Corp. announced that 450 employees will [...]
So I have to admit that when I heard it last night during the presidential debate, I thought this was a clever zinger by Mitt Romney (or his speech writers more likely): “What things will I cut [...]