Chicago Area Peace Action on Huffington Post yesterday on Do the Math Climate Crisis Tour

Great piece by Roxane Assaf of Chicago Area Peace Action on Huffington Post yesterday. Fossile Fuel Fury: Climate change Activist Barnstorms Through 21 Towns Inciting Fiscal Revolution If Noam [...]

Romney's China Zinger Offers an Opening for a Serious Debate on U.S. Asia Policy (not his intention I'm sure!)

So I have to admit that when I heard it last night during the presidential debate, I thought this was a clever zinger by Mitt Romney (or his speech writers more likely): “What things will I cut [...]

President Obama's Speech – What did you think?

Here’s my quick take on the President’s acceptance speech at the Dem Convention last night, but I’d love to know what you thought of it as well. (The New York Times has the [...]

It's not the heat, or the humidity, or the three days without electricity (in the near 100 degree heat in the DC area)…

…or the constant roar of the neighbors’ generators near my house in Silver Spring, Maryland, just outside our nation’s capital, that make one crazy. Well, they kinda do, though [...]

Excellent Op-Ed on the Military and Climate Change by Tim Rinne of Nebraskans for Peace

Not only is the U.S. military the largest consumer of fossil fuels and the largest polluter in the world, it knows the climate crisis is real and can drive future military conflict. Tim Rinne, [...]

Peace Action on C-SPAN

Thanks to the hard work of national Peace Action board member (and University of Hawai’i Human Rights Law Center founder) Joshua Cooper, Peace Action got some serious airtime (an hour and a [...]

Confusion over Libya War Reflects the Decline of US Empire (Which is a Good Thing!)

–by Kevin Martin, Executive Director The U.S./British/French-led intervention in the civil war in Libya has caused confusion on many sides – in domestic public opinion, congressional [...]