After years of gridlock and partisan rancor, the budget impasse may finally be broken. The President won increases in ‘non-defense’ spending as part of the deal, but the Pentagon will still [...]
Here’s an easy quiz for you. According to an article in the Washington Post over the weekend , the Obama Administration is considering four options regarding leaving U.S. troops in Afghanistan [...]
Peace Action board member, professor, activist and author Larry Wittner’s article published yesterday on CounterPunch JANUARY 08, 2014 When Will They Ever Learn? The American People and [...]
While Afghanistan has not been in the U.S. news much recently, key issues are now being debated regarding a possible enduring U.S. military presence past the end of 2014 deadline for “full [...]
Just a few points to add to Brother Matt Rothschild’s comprehensive commentary on the speech: It took the president almost 45 minutes to mention foreign policy. Understandably, he still [...]
Earlier this month Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund launched a call-in campaign to the White House comment line, calling on the President to choose the zero troops option once the [...]
The Associated Press reported yesterday the Pentagon’s internal statistics show more U.S. troops committed suicide last year than died in combat in Afghanistan. The Pentagon noted the rate [...]
Veterans Day, also Remembrance Day and Armistice Day, is this Sunday, with the Monday holiday observance. The mainstream message we usually hear is thanks to veterans and to troops serving [...]
By Lawrence S. Wittner, October 17, 2012 (Larry Wittner is a member of the national Peace Action national board of directors. This article was first published by our friends at Foreign Policy in [...]
Not Exactly, But it Fails the Real Definition of a Just War –Kevin Martin Amid all the grim news in Afghanistan as the war enters its 12th year, a new initiative by the youth-led Afghan [...]