US announces it has 5,113 active nuclear warheads
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference began with big news: the US publicly released the numbers of active nuclear weapons in its stockpile. The Obama administration made this major symbolic move to show its commitment to transparency and prove the US has been moving to reduce its nuclear stockpile.
According to a released fact sheet, the US had 5,113 active nuclear warheads as of September 2009. However, that still doesn’t represent the whole stockpile. Analysts believe an additional 4,500 nuclear warheads are currently retired or waiting to be dismantled. So while progress has been made since the 1960s, much more needs to be done. Watch the video (above) featuring Ploughshares Fund President Joe Cirincione, who makes the case for why we must seize this historic moment and work toward a nuclear weapons free world to ensure our own security.
It all sounds good, but what about places like North Korea, and Iran that are developing them right now. The US can’t disarm until the whole world disarms.
Hi Bill,
No one has suggested that the US disarm unilaterally. There are currently more than 23,000 nuclear weapons in the world today. The US and Russia have 95% of those weapons. It only makes sense for the US and Russia to bring their nuclear weapons stockpiles down a bit first, and before extending the effort to the other nuclear weapons states.
Intelligence estimates continue to indicate that Iran is pursuing a nuclear energy program. Peace Action West has written extensively on this blog about how tough diplomacy is needed with Iran to resolve outstanding tensions, including its nuclear program.
Diplomacy with North Korea should also be continued to achieve their de-nuclearization. The 6 party talks have shown progress in the past in getting concessions from North Korea.