START: 73% can’t be wrong!
A CNN poll shows that a super majority want New START ratified. The Republicans are treating the New START treaty like a hostage. They keep questioning the wisdom of the treaty despite overwhelming support in military circles and in public opinion.
More than 20 Senate hearings have been held. The administration answered more than 900 questions from senators in the last 8 months.
Sen. Kyle (R-AZ) keeps upping the ransom that he and other Hawks (inside and outside of the Senate) want to modernize the nuclear weapons complex. And then he says no way? He demanded $10 billion on top of the billions already in the budget. And this week, a bit more was proposed.
And then they say no way?
Lame duck or bust! This is it. Unless we get it onto the Senate floor, it may be our last, best chance to win ratification of this modest treaty. Truth is, in the next session of Congress we are going to have to maximize pressure on the White House to take steps on disarmament that don’t require Senate approval and lead the opposition to the promised monies for modernization!
If any headway will be made towards abolition, we have got to get New START passed.
Call your Senator: We need a Senate vote on ratification! Call 202-224-3121. Email your Senator.
Organize phone banking to swing Republican Senators: If your group is able to coordinate one or two nights of phone banking in November or December, please contact Katie Heald at Peace Action West. Call 510-830-3600 x122 or email
Coalition for Peace Action, Mass Peace Action, Peace Action Maine, NH Peace Action, have already done a fantastic job!! They can tell you how easy it is.
We know. Everyone is using plasma weapons, but still nuclear energy is being used increasingly for aircraft carriers, submarines, and perhaps for spacecraft. We do support ratification of the START.
The problem is to deal with:
a) containment of radiation
b) disposal of waste
c) construction of new housing and buildings designed to resist extreme heat and radiation. Do suffer the private real estate construction industry to deal with what your precious federal and state governments refuse to finance. -Jesus Christ Cares, King David’s Tribe cares to do this for humanity.