The current “lame duck” session of Congress will at least partially be defined by a high-stakes game of political chicken (sorry to use two fowl metaphors in one sentence!) over New [...]
Friends, Please see the trenchant analysis and commentary below by Alicia Godsberg, the new Executive Director of Peace Action of New York State, in response to an op-ed in yesterday’s New [...]
In Lisbon for the NATO summit, President Obama is proposing a plan that would keep foreign military troops in Afghanistan until at least the end of 2014. Even this end date is vague, discussed as [...]
Against growing public opposition in the US (new poll today from Quinnipiac University – 50% against, 44% in favor of continuing the war in Afghanistan), President Obama is in Lisbon, [...]
Who will triumph in one of the last big political battles of 2010? The Republicans, Democrats, security experts, military officials and 73% of the American public who support ratifying New START? [...]
There has been some overblown reporting this week that Senator Kyl (R-AZ) opposes a vote on the New START Treaty in the lame duck session and this will kill consideration of the treaty this year. [...]
START: 73% can’t be wrong! A CNN poll shows that a super majority want New START ratified. The Republicans are treating the New START treaty like a hostage. They keep questioning the [...]
Thank you for voting and supporting Peace Action’s unique Peace Voter work. We, along with our affiliates, helped thousands of voters get to the polls and educated them about how candidates [...]
This past Tuesday was a rough election for many people, including supporters of a more peaceful foreign policy. While we know that there will be many more proponents of the war in Afghanistan and [...]
So the early reactions from peace activists to the mid-term elections seems to range from “catastrophic” to “really, really bad” to “coulda been even worse.” [...]