The Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel on Action and Hope in 2011
The Nation magazine and its editor and publisher Katrina Vanden Heuvel have long been allies of Peace Action, giving us favorable coverage in the magazine and on its website, and also co-sponsoring numerous events in New York City with national Peace Action and Peace Action of New York State.
Katrina’s blog post today lays out five opportunities for progress on key issues in the coming year, including ending the war in Afghanistan, in which she mentions Peace Action and links to our petition.
Speaking of which, we plan to soon launch a new Afghanistan petition, both on our new website and an old-fashioned paper version for “live” clipboard and pen circulation. The new petition will be more political and targeted, offering self-identified supporters of President Obama the opportunity to express their outrage at his escalation of the war.
Stay tuned for the launch of the new petition later this month, and meantime check out Katrina’s blog.