Witness Against Torture – Close Guantanamo! Actions in D.C. beginning January 11
Witness Against Torture
Press Release
January 7, 2011 Contacts: Frida Berrigan – 347-683-4928, frida.berrigan@gmail.com
Jeremy Varon- 732-979-3119, jvaron@aol.com
Anti-Torture activists to rally at the White House and march to the Justice Department as the prison at Guantánamo enters its 10th year; March to be led by 174 “detainees” wearing hoods and jumpsuits to represent the 174 men still held at Guantánamo
WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Obama entered office promising to close Guantánamo and remove the taint of lawlessness it represents. Yet the prison remains open. While Congress blocks efforts to transfer prisoners to the U.S. for criminal trials, the White House draws up plans to hold some men indefinitely, without charge or trial.
That’s not acceptable, says Witness Against Torture, which will begin two weeks of protest in Washington, D.C. on January 11. On the 11th, a coalition of human rights groups will holda rally in front of the White House at 11 am, followed by a “prisoner procession” to the Department of Justice. There, one group of participants will demand a meeting with DoJ officials, while others will engage in non-violent civil disobedience. By blocking the lawsuits of former detainees, appealing the decisions of federal judges ordering the release of prisoners, and refusing to prosecute Bush administration officials for torture, the Justice Department has failed to fulfill President Obama’s promise of accountability and respect for the rule of law.
“Congress and the White House are rapidly moving toward a policy of permanent detention without trial for many of the prisoners at Guantánamo,” says Bob Cooke of Witness Against Torture. “Bagram and other detention centers remain beyond the reach of the law. This violates the U.S. Constitution, as well as international law. When our government’s policies violate the law and our nation’s ideals, it’s up to the people to challenge the government directly.”
The protest on the 11th will be followed by 10 days of fasting, lobbying, and demonstrating in Washington, D.C.
Witness Against Torture demands include:
- Close the prison at Guantánamo Bay;
- Free all prisoners who have been cleared for release, ensuring their safe resettlement and providing asylum in the U.S. for those unable to go elsewhere;
- Produce charges against all other prisoners and prosecute them in U.S. courts;
- Open all detention centers to outside scrutiny. That includes accepting the oversight of the International Committee of the Red Cross of all facilities; and
- Conduct a comprehensive criminal inquiry against all those who designed and carried out torture policies under the Bush administration.
Who: Witness Against Torture and co-sponsors
Event: Rally, “prisoner procession” to Department of Justice, and non-violent direct action
Date and Time: Tues, Jan. 11, beginning at 11am
Location: The White House, Washington, D.C.
Who We Are: In December 2005, Witness Against Torture drew international attention when its members walked to Guantánamo Bay to protest at the prison. Since its return, the group has organized vigils, marches, nonviolent direct actions, and educational events opposing torture and calling for the closure of Guantánamo.
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so happy to read this!
Should be a powerful event, these are terrific folks and good organizers.
And Think Progress also points out that Miss Donnelly doesnt seem to have a clue what the Abu Ghraib scandal was all about in the first place as its part of a of torture techniques in Iraq and Afghanistan that started at the very top with Rumsfelds Defense Department. Perhaps Miss Donnelly doesnt watch the news very much and I wouldnt expect a demagogue of her kind to stay informed about much of anything but weve been discussing the incidence of U.S.-sanctioned torture in these conflicts in our national discourse for several years now. Torture has happened at CIA black sites at Guant? namo and a in Harpers exposes a previously unknown black site at Guant? namo referred to as Camp No run either by the CIA or by J-SOC in which Americans may have tortured detainees who had never been charged with a crime quite literally to death..So no Miss Donnelly youre simply making things up again in service of your bigotry.