Thoughts on the Libya Crisis and U.S. Response

 In air strikes, Blogroll, dictator, diplomacy, Middle East, military, Obama Administration, Saudi Arabia, social movements, weapons proliferation

Against a mostly positive backdrop of the flowering of democracy in the Middle East (which of course has been in spite of, not because of, U.S. policy in the region), the burgeoning civil war and humanitarian crisis in Libya raise serious questions about how the U.S., United Nations, neighboring countries and the international community as a whole ought to respond.

Here are two trenchant viewpoints from Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies  at and Jon Rainwater of Peace Action West on Huffington Post

(Phyllis goes first because it’s International Women’s Day!).

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  • Joey

    I’m not totally sure which side I agree with more. I used to be more of an interventionist, but I think I’ve resorted to more of an isolationist approach on most conflicts since the backlash in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s a tough issue, for sure. One that divides the nation.

    I have a video I think you might be interested in embedding on your website: The video looks into the protests in Yemen and how they’ve escalated and become violent.

    I hope you can find some use for the video. Let me know if you have any questions.

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