Students, veterans, families lobby Congress on 8th anniversary of Iraq War
by Jonathan Williams, Peace Action national staff
Last weekend, activists from across the country converged on Washington, DC to mark the 8th anniversary of the war in Iraq by making their voices heard in Congress.
Over 130 attendees, including students, veterans, and military families, participated in the Spring Lobby Weekend to demand an end to the war in Afghanistan, proper care for our veterans, and cuts to the Pentagon budget.
The weekend featured two days of lobbying training before a day of lobby visits. Participants learned how to effectively communicate with Congress from experienced lobbyists, Congressional staff, and even a visit from a Congressman.
Congressman Jim McGovern, a long-time Peace Action ally on the Hill, delivered the keynote address on the first day of trainings. The Congressman spoke of his worries with this Congress. He noted that as he spoke, the U.S. was dropping bombs on Libya, perhaps entangling our military in another open-ended engagement. He noted that no one was talking about Afghanistan, to the extent that he suggested many new members of Congress had never even been asked a question about Afghanistan on the campaign trail.
Representative McGovern called on us to keep the pressure on in Congress. Our calls and correspondence make a real impact. Public pressure will be what forces Congress to address Afghanistan.
Following a day of lobby visits, many participants made plans for future visits with their Congress members at their district offices. Furthermore, many set goals for writing Letters to the Editor in their local paper to keep up the pressure.
Overall, the weekend was a major success and brought forth a new generation of skilled young lobbyists eager to make their voices heard. Together, we can bring the war back into the debate.
Check out photos from the weekend on FCNL’s photo album.
bad dog breath…
[…]Students, veterans, families lobby Congress on 8th anniversary of Iraq War « Peace Action Blog[…]…
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What are we doing in Lybya! We must stop getting involved in every skirmish in the world! Please, Mr President, stop sending our troops into war War does not bring peace! We need to bring our troops safely home. Sister Alice Giere, SSND
Apparently, you haven’t been paying attention. The genocidal campaign against the Jews, or more properly the Assyrians, has been underway for the past 20 years:
Dessert Storm I, began in 1990. Prior to 1990, at the behest of the Kuwaiti government and the Saudi government, the USA and Israel were responsible for manipulating and financing the 8 year war between Iraq (Assyria) and Iran, for which Iranian children were martyred, because the Iranian government had NO bullets to fight back against the Iraqi army.
For your information, there are survivors of the chemical weapons used against women, infants, and children in Iran. I do NOT support any war and stand by the Vatican, NOT to support any war.
Now we’ve caught him, why are we still there? Why are we still sacrificing so many precious American lives and so much American money?