You vs. the NRA
There are 875 million guns in the world, and almost 2 bullets for every person on this planet.
Apparently that’s not enough for the NRA and their right wing allies. They are working hard to undermine a new international treaty to stop the spread of conventional arms—weapons that kill one person every single minute.
We’re in DC right now pushing back. Help us get the message across by telling your representative to support two new initiatives to rein in the trade in deadly weapons.
The devastation caused by conventional weapons doesn’t always make the news, but it is tearing lives apart on a daily basis. We all caught a glimpse on our television screens as Arab Spring protesters were injured and killed by repressive governments.
Whether it’s Russian helicopters going to the brutal Assad regime in Syria or American bullets loaded in the guns of Bahraini security forces, it cannot stand.
The US needs to step up its leadership in stemming the flow of these weapons. The Arms Sales Responsibility Act would make sure that American weapons don’t end up in the hands of human rights abusers. At the same time, we are building support for a congressional letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, urging her to lead efforts to strengthen regulation of the global arms trade in July during negotiations of an International Arms Trade Treaty.
On the same day that Peace Action West and our colleagues are lobbying on the Hill, the right wing Heritage Foundation is hosting an event designed to scare members of Congress into thinking the UN is trying to take away Americans’ guns.
Help us drown them out. Take action today.