Stop the Israel/Gaza Violence
Once again, our tax dollars are at work as Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza escalates, including a potential ground invasion. The violence on both sides must end, including the rocket launches from Gaza aimed at Israeli civilians. We mourn the dead on both sides (MSNBC reports this morning 95 dead in Gaza, including 24 children, with three Israelis also dead.)
As U.S. taxpayers, we must speak out against the asymmetrical attack by Israel enabled by the annual $4 billion in U.S. military aid. As is the norm in these situations, U.S. weaponry is almost surely being used illegally by Israel (in violation of the Arms Export Control Act as well as international humanitarian law) against civilians living under a de facto blockade in Gaza.
Please take action:
Call the White House at 202-456-1111 and the State Department at 202-647-6575.
· Demand that the U.S. exert immediate pressure on Israel to end its violent aggression;
· Demand that Israel immediately lift its illegal blockade and siege of Gaza
· Demand the U.S. exert diplomatic pressure on Israel for an immediate cease-fire and initiate an investigation into Israel’s misuse of U.S. weapons to commit human rights abuses of Palestinians.
If you voted for President Obama, I don’t think it would hurt to note that in your call.
Sen. John McCain has called for former President Bill Clinton to be appointed as a peace envoy to help end this conflict, which is not a bad idea in terms of bringing someone with prestige into the picture (former President Jimmy Carter might even be better but we won’t quibble).
This is surely a terrible humanitarian crisis, but also perhaps an opportunity to seek not just a cease fire, but an end to the blockade of Gaza and a way forward toward a just and lasting peace for both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples.
Other resources from colleagues of Peace Action:
Statement by American Friends Service Committee (Quakers)
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Commitee
U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Jewish Voice for Peace
Humbly for Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action