Our OpEd: Dump the F-35 Boondoggle

 In Peace Action West News, Pentagon Spending

Today, a key House subcommittee will likely discuss the future of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter — one of the biggest boondoggles in Pentagon history. Our OpEd ran today in the Orange County Register, which runs in the district of Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who is ranking Democrat on that subcommittee (Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee, under the House Armed Services Committee).

Imagine a government health care program more expensive than any other in U.S. history. Its major function is to treat polio, a disease that has been nearly nonexistent in the U.S. for decades. The cost per patient has doubled since the beginning of the program, and all the treatments were yanked from doctor’s offices after a critical flaw was discovered.

Read the rest, after the paywall, here.

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  • paulie627

    Not gonna pay the OCR to read someone’s opinion, but the paragraph shown above is incredible. Concise, incisive and scathing as surgeon’s scalpel. Really well written!

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