Urgent – Tell Congress: Cut Pentagon Pork, End War, Don't Start a New One!
Today, the House is taking up its version of the National Department of Defense Appropriations Act. This is one of the few chances that Congress votes on issues we care about. Votes may start as early as this afternoon and continue through Friday afternoon.
Please call (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Representative (or give the operator your zip code to be directed) and say:
“My name is _______ and I am a constituent. I am calling to request that Rep. _______ support amendments to Defense Appropriations that cut Pentagon spending and that end the Afghanistan war as soon as possible. Thank you.”
This bill gives nearly half a trillion dollars to the Pentagon. And that doesn’t include monies for the Afghanistan war and funding from an $80 billion slush fund called the Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO) account. Nor does it include most of the budget for nuclear weapons. Again, all combined, the U.S. spends almost as much as all other countries in the world combined on military-related programs. Does that represent your values?
Take a moment now to call your Representative.
We expect amendments that will:
*End the Afghanistan War at the end of this year — it’s time to bring all troops and contractors home and not leave any behind after this year.
*Bar sending combat troops into Iraq — we’ve been down that horrible road.
*Cut the F-35 — the most expensive plane and Pentagon project in history.
*Cut the Littoral Combat Ship — experts say it will cost over three times the original estimate.
*Cut fighter jet research — the U.S. has already wasted enough tax payer money on over-priced planes that don’t work.
Again please take time NOW to CALL your Representative to cut the Pentagon budget so we can afford other priorities like job creation, education and infrastructure. Use the phone number and script above.
Humbly for Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action
P.S. Please call your Representative now at (202) 224-3121 and follow the above script to reduce Pentagon spending and end the Afghanistan War. The sooner your call the better, but you can call up to Friday afternoon.
I believe the only way to get a positive , constructive foreign policy is to take the profit out of war by nationalizing all military production . Please refer to my “letter to the editor ” first published in the Syracuse Post Standard ( 7-10-13 ) . Al Donohue
To Kevin Martin it is time to ask President Obama and
congress to to vote now on Afghanistan and Iraq to end the war we must call the on the pentagon pork,as i said bfore other third World Country to help the people in Iraq and Afghanistan not just U.S. Troops it is not just our place to aid in every third World fall out let
let the pentagon know where we stand.Rev Dr.O.D. Robinson Psy.D the key word ( count the cost)