On Saturday, August 24, Peace Action will join the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs, Justice and Freedom.
You can march with us and the National Nurses United and Progressive Democrats of America. We will gather at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 24 at the Albert Einstein Memorial (corner of 22nd St. and Constitution Ave NW).
We march to honor the legacy of the Civil Rights movement and the prophetic vision of Dr Martin Luther King who linked the “the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism.”
We march because the rich and the powerful today, as they did 50 years ago, seek to divide the natural allies in the struggle for racial equity and a more just and peaceful community and world. We know that we must struggle for peace and justice both at home and abroad.
A big march on Saturday will send the message that the movement for peace and justice is alive and growing, not defeated, nor discouraged.
The peace movement will only gain ground as we unite with the movement for racial justice. Dr King was right! Please check out my article on Common Dreams: 50 Years Later: We March on Washington to End Racism, Materialism, and Militarism http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/08/21-3
Jobs, not wars! Join us on Saturday, August 24 at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 24 at the Albert Einstein Memorial (corner of 22nd St. and Constitution Ave NW).
If you cannot be with us in Washington, join us virtually on Twitter, our handle is @PeaceAction, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/peaceaction. We will be Tweeting and posting photos from the National Mall.
For the National staff,
Judith Le Blanc , Peace Action Field Director
PS For the schedule for the day and week of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington go to: http://officialmlkdream50.com/
Fighting Terrorism at Home & Abroad
Google the above, become informed, we are in crisis, we all
have to get involved. At least read the last 6-8 post.
Google this name. (Ronald L. Waldron)
Go to : http://www.universal-peace.com (Home)
Nazi Propaganda was Based on What Zionists Said
Zionism and Anti-Semitism
We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide. The idea that Zionism and the State of “Israel” is the protector of Jews is probably the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Jewish People. Indeed, where else since 1945 have Jews been in such physical danger as in the Zionist state?!
Jews are enjoined by their religious laws to be loyal to the country of which they are citizens. Ever since the destruction of the holy Temple in Jerusalem and the exile of the Jewish People some two thousand years ago, we have been enjoined to be scrupulously loyal to the countries we reside in. One of the great biblical prophets, Jeremiah, in chapter 29 of his book proclaimed G-d’s message to all the exiled; verse seven reads, “Seek out the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you and pray for it to the Almighty, for through its welfare will you have welfare.” This has been a cornerstone of Jewish morality throughout our history to this very day.
Torah-true Jews wish to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors in every country among the community of nations, including in historic Palestine. They deplore acts and policies of violence carried out by those who, misusing the name of Israel our forefather, have substituted the ideal of chauvinist nationalism for the eternal values of the Torah, the eternal divinely bestowed inheritance of the Jewish people.
It has been the age-old intention of Zionism to intentionally stir up anti-Semitism anywhere possible, and even more commonly, to take advantage of any Jewish suffering anywhere in order to enhance its cause Indeed, hatred of Jews and Jewish suffering is the oxygen of the Zionist movement, and from the very beginning has been to deliberately incite hatred of the Jew and then, in feigned horror, use it to justify the existence of the Zionist state – this is, of course, Machiavellianism raised to the highest degree. Thus, the Zionists thrive on hatred and suffering of Jews, and seek to benefit thereby through keeping Jews in perpetual fear, causing them to ignore the true nature of Zionism, and instead to consider the Zionist state is their salvation.
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