As peace activists and organizers, we unequivocally stand in solidarity with the black community in the US and around the globe in demanding justice and dismantling white supremacy. We honor the [...]
On Saturday, the egregious display of racism and bigotry in Charlottesville served as a reminder: we have a long way to go to end the ugly history of white supremacy in the U.S. As we reflect on [...]
Update: This statement was written before Thursday night’s events in Dallas. Media outlets are reporting that 10 police officers and one protester were shot by snipers at a protest against [...]
The tragic death of Michael Brown at the hands of the Ferguson police is a reminder that the upsurge in violence is not restricted to the Middle East or any one place. It’s right here in our own [...]
On Saturday, August 24, Peace Action will join the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs, Justice and Freedom. You can march with us and the National Nurses United and Progressive [...]
Lead article today on Foreign Policy in Focus. Would love your comments regarding our nation’s progress on Dr. King’s triple evils of racism, extreme materialism and militarism. [...]
By Judith Le Blanc – Field Director, Peace Action – A sermon delivered on January 13, 2013 to the Transcontinental Baptist Church and Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale. [...]