Tell Congress to Give Diplomacy, and Peace, a Chance!
Dear Kevin,
The ink had hardly dried on peace deal with Iran when opponents launched a multi-million dollar campaign to defeat the deal. Make no mistake, Peace Action and our allies will need to go all out to insure we have the votes to sustain a presidential veto. I am forwarding Kevin’s alert from earlier this week and asking you to sign our petition and call your Senators and representative today at (855) 686-6927 (toll free) So far, our coalition has collected over 100,000 signatures and generated over 13,400 calls to Congress. Help protect this historic agreement. Humbly for Peace, Paul Kawika Martin Begin Forwarded Message: Dear Kevin, You made history! The peace deal reached this morning with Iran thwarting any nuclear weapon production is one of the most important diplomatic accomplishments of the century so far. It demonstrates that intelligence, patience, creativity and an openness to conflict resolution can prevent war. Illustrating that, the history books, as usual, will be full of photographs of a handful of people, around a table. But we know that thousands of our members and like-minded folks protected the talks by speaking up for diplomacy. Without you, attacks by the Iran hawks could easily have derailed diplomacy. Peace Action was one of the first organizations to work on this issue by organizing a high-level meeting of NGO leaders over eight years ago. Now we all need to make one final push to ensure that the peace deal makes it across the finish line. Congress is likely to vote to approve or disapprove the deal in the next 60 days Please take three simple actions now: 1. Please sign this coalition petition to stop Congress from killing the agreement. 2. Call Congress! (855) 68 NO WAR (66 927 toll free) First, ask for each of your Senators, when finished call your Representative and say: I am calling to ask that my Senator/Representative publicly support the announced Iran agreement and vote to support the deal. 3. Forward this important email to your friends, family and colleagues. Because we know that an epic battle is about to begin in Congress we’ve teamed up with 18 other progressive groups to send a strong message to Congress: don’t take us to war by destroying this peace deal. Please take a moment to do as many of the three actions as you can above. Do it now. We know that many in the Republican party will do anything they can to deny the president a major foreign policy victory. At the same time many Democrats have historically voted a very hawkish line on Iran. This campaign brings together progressive groups to push the swing Democrats back to diplomacy. The petition’s ask is simple but its political message is clear. It reads: “Republicans are trying to take us to war by sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal. I urge you to support the deal and stop the Republicans from starting another war of choice in the Middle East.” Can you please take the above actions today? Thank you for your help during this historic moment, Humbly for Peace, Kevin Martin P.S. -You’ve heard about the monumental agreement reached with Iran this morning on its nuclear program. A deal which you helped to bring about. Now do as many of these three things that you can to seal the deal: 1. Please sign this coalition petition to stop Congress from killing the agreement. 2. Call Congress! (855) 68 NO WAR (66 927 toll free) First, ask for each of your Senators, when finished call your Representative and say: I am calling to ask my Senator/Representative to publicly support the announced Iran agreement and vote to support the deal. 3. Forward this important email to your friends, family and colleagues. |
Sorry, I can’t sign the petition. As an anti-nuclear weapons activist, I have to talk to both Republican and Democratic voters and office-holders. A petition which reduces discussion to a simplistic partisan attack will not have any traction with my Republican Senator or my Republican neighbors. And let’s not forget that it was the Obama Administration the sabotaged progress at this year’s Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference and has supported huge new investments in the US nuclear arsenal.