Senate shenanigans on Iran accord continue, but Peace is greater than Fear!
Who knows why, but the Senate is again “debating” (I’d say speechifying) the Iran nuclear accord. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) scheduled another cloture vote for 6:00 today (with the vote being held open for several hours because of Rosh Hashanah) less than a week after the last vote failed 58-42 (60 votes are needed to invoke cloture, end debate and move to a vote on a piece of legislation). Even worse, they may do it again on Thursday.
UPDATE, 6:45 Eastern time — Majority “Leader” McConnell a short while ago said if cloture failed again as expected, he will file an amendment (to what is TBD) stopping the president from lifting sanctions on Iran until it formally recognizes “Israel’s right to exist” (his words) and releases all US prisoners. Grandstanding? I guess we’ll see.
This is a waste of time, as the House action was last Friday. The Iran nuclear agreement will go into effect once the Congressional review period expires in two days. Republicans want to:
a. embarrass the president and force him to veto their disapproval of the accord (not happening);
b. stage a show vote for the benefit of AIPAC, Netanyahu and the “pro-Israel lobby”;
c. avoid doing the peoples’ business (like, say, passing funding bills to keep the government functioning);
d. all of the above?
To me this isn’t even the real question. It’s what are the opponents of diplomacy afraid of? To hear their speeches, Iran is the worst threat to life on Earth ever, and even more, the most fiendishly clever country ever to engage in diplomatic negotiations. Somehow Iran was able to hornswoggle the US, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China and Russia at the bargaining table to get an agreement that will let Iran run amok over the security concerns of everyone else in the region, more or less.
Time to reject fear, which is the only tool the opponents of the Iran peace accord have.
Diplomacy, and Peace, are greater than Fear.
These obstructionist and constant writhing of Senators who really do know better … are disgusting and the world looks on in wonder and dismay. What drives leaders such as McConnell to do these ridiculous things? The very least common denominators of the expected voting base, the least informed, most ignorant, most ill informed by charlatans and greedy persons, which makes McConnell seem a fool. He must rise above this morass and demonstrate inherent human intelligence. The Senate may yet regain honor … but not like this!