Largest Peace Organization Endorses Feingold for Senate

Peace Action Endorses Russ Feingold for Senate in Wisconsin
Washington, DC — July 5, 2016 — Peace Action, the nation’s largest peace organization, endorsed Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin.
“Peace Action has long taken a stand against the kind of rhetoric that drives fear, anger, and violence in our communities. I look forward to working alongside them to reduce threats to peace and ensure economic justice here in Wisconsin and across the world,” said former Senator Russ Feingold of the endorsement.
“Peace Action is proud to endorse Russ Feingold. He warned of the folly of Bush’s Iraq war which turned out to be the largest foreign policy mistake of the century. Additionally, Feingold thinks it is time to end our longest war in history — the Afghanistan War, that a large military intervention in Syria will only repeat the grave mistakes of the past and that we need to keep Pentagon bloat in check. He concurs that the world needs to lessen the number of nuclear weapons and refrain from building more. That’s why he supported the New START Treaty with Russia and the Iran Nuclear Agreement. Peace Action is confident in Feingold making rational, studied foreign policy decisions and keeping a critical eye on Pentagon expenditures. His policies will make Americans safer,” commented Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action’s Senior Director, Policy and Political Affairs and who also directs Peace Action’s PAC.
Nearly 60 years ago, Peace Action was founded on abolishing nuclear weapons and is known for opposing the Iraq war, supporting diplomacy and the Iran agreement and reducing the Pentagon budget. Peace Action endorses dozens of candidates per election cycle and through Peace Action PAC raises tens of thousands of dollars for candidates and donates staff to key races. Peace Action has an affiliate in Wisconsin called Peace Action of Wisconsin.
Founded in 1957, Peace Action (formerly SANE/Freeze), the United States’ largest peace and disarmament organization, with over 100,000 paid members and nearly 100 chapters in 36 states, works to abolish nuclear weapons, promote government spending priorities that support human needs, encourage real security through international cooperation and human rights and support nonmilitary solutions to the conflicts with Afghanistan and Iran. The public may learn more and take action at For more up-to-date peace insider information, follow Peace Action’s political director on Twitter.
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