As you know, elections are just under a month away with several opportunities to elect pro-peace candidates. You can help now.Take a look at these pro-peace candidates running for the House of [...]
Washington, DC — September 20, 2016 — Peace Action, the nation’s largest peace organization, endorsed Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME-1) for the House of Representatives in Maine’s 1st district. “I am [...]
This should be no surprise, but Cleveland Peace Action has been in the leadership of various events in Cleveland protesting the Republican/Trump agenda. Cleveland Peace Action leaders Rosemary [...]
Washington, DC — July 5, 2016 — Peace Action, the nation’s largest peace organization, endorsed Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. “Peace Action has long taken a stand against the kind [...]
As the presidential campaign continues to astound, disgust and inspire, in varying degrees with different candidates, debates and events, Peace Action has moved into its next phase of support for [...]
Dear Voter, A few days after All Hallows’ Evening, the midterm elections will occur. Tuesday, November 4th. Your actions can make the results less scary. Please take two actions now: Vote! [...]
A Foreign Policy for All Re-Thinking U.S. Foreign Policy for the 21st Century Saturday, November 8, 2014, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm MIT Room 34-101, 50 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA Confirmed Speakers Noam [...]
As you know midterm elections are only two months away. Already Peace Action and our PAC has made a difference by endorsing candidates, contributing to primary elections, briefing candidates and [...]
Peace Action West supporters came together in San Francisco on May 16th to thank Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) for his leadership on ending the war in Afghanistan, opposing military intervention in [...]
The prospects for peace with Iran got a little bit brighter this week. The Iranian public defied expectations and roundly defeated conservative candidates to put moderate Hassan Rouhani in [...]