Press Statement: Michael Flynn's Resignation is a Win for National Security
Washington, D.C. — February 13, 2017 — In response to Michael Flynn’s resignation from the post of National Security Advisor, Jon Rainwater, executive director of the United States’ largest grassroots peace organization, Peace Action, released the following statement:
“You know we’re living in strange times when a National Security Advisor’s resignation is good for national security. Well before Michael Flynn lied to the American people and the administration about his contacts with Russian officials, concerned citizens across the nation flooded Congress with calls railing against Flynn’s appointment. They decried his Islamophobia and conspiracy theories, his reported leaking of classified information to foreign nations and his own lobbying firm, and his calls for pursuing regime change in Iran.
“This resignation is a down payment towards a more even-keeled approach on the White House national security team. But as long as Steve Bannon, another confirmed Islamophobe, is still attending National Security Council meetings we are not out of the woods. The chaos of the Muslim Ban roll out was Bannon’s doing, the President should ask for his resignation as well.”
Founded in 1957, Peace Action (formerly SANE/Freeze), the United States’ largest peace and disarmament organization, with over 100,000 paid members and nearly 100 chapters in 36 states, works to abolish nuclear weapons, promote government spending priorities that support human needs, encourage real security through international cooperation and human rights and support nonmilitary solutions to international conflicts. The public may learn more and take action at