Over a year ago, just as the US bombing campaign on the so-called Islamic State was beginning, Peace Action issued a call for measures we believed then, and still believe, are more effective than [...]
Negotiations to end the ‘nonstop horror’ of the Syrian civil war have begun. Peace Action applauds the parties for finally getting to the table – better late than never – but decries [...]
The tragic death of Michael Brown at the hands of the Ferguson police is a reminder that the upsurge in violence is not restricted to the Middle East or any one place. It’s right here in our own [...]
–Kevin Martin, Executive Director My cousin David has a cool used record and bookstore in downtown Lancaster, PA (my hometown) called BohoZone, check it out if you visit Lancaster. Bought [...]
Here are four books on Peace Action related issues I’ve read recently, all written by colleagues (okay maybe I need to balance these now with some non-political books!). What are you reading this [...]
http://www.heraldsun.com/view/full_story/19167965/article-Shaky-assumptions-about-military-spending? By Betsy Crites HERALD-SUN GUEST COLUMNIST Fear can be a great motivator – and a great [...]
With Sunday’s 10th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, many colleagues have written trenchant essays about that awful day and its aftermath, and the era of endless war that has ensued. I [...]
Thanks to the hard work of national Peace Action board member (and University of Hawai’i Human Rights Law Center founder) Joshua Cooper, Peace Action got some serious airtime (an hour and a [...]
–Peter Deccy, Development Director One thing the killing of Osama bin Laden accomplished is it put aside any shame that should rightfully be borne by NATO for the ghastly bombing of Saif [...]
–Kevin Martin, executive director, Peace Action This is something that has been rattling around my brain for a while, but recent conversations with Phyllis Bennis, Judith LeBlanc, Joseph [...]